This Is Your Super-Qualified Captain Speaking
We’re in the sky… Can you believe it?!
“A pilot lied about his flying experience to get a job at British Airways but was found out when he pressed a button “no qualified pilot would”, sources told The Times. Craig Butfoy, 49, was jailed this week for lying about his level of flying experience to get a job.” - The Times March 31, 2022
Welcome to the airplane!
This is your totally vetted and completely qualified captain speaking.
We’ve just launched on up here into the sky. The sky, dudes! Can you believe it?
We’re flying at a height I would describe as “a lot.” Winds are coming at us from all over the place. It’s almost scary, except our plane is going so fast I bet we can outrun the wind.
Hey, is that like a Bob Seger lyric or did I just make that up? Someone write that down for me, my fingers are covered in Flamin’ Hot dust.
Sorry about those bumps coming away from the, uhhhhh, tunnel thing. I guess not all of the suitcases had been loaded into the suitcase hole yet. My bad.
Our exceptional flight crew is here to assist you. They were already incredibly helpful in pointing me toward the direction of the cockpit.