Top 10 More Accurate Names for International Women’s Day

What March 8 is really all about

Image from
  1. International “Let’s Try Not to Scare the Men” Day
  2. International “Let’s Pretend Women Are People” Day
  3. International “Gosh, Thanks for Giving Women a Whole Day” Day
  4. International “Weight-Loss Plans Are 30% Off!” Day
  5. International “This Totally Makes Up For the Gender Wage Gap” Day
  6. International “Now, Now, Let the Women Have Their Day” Day
  7. International “Maybe Reproductive Rights Don’t Matter After All” Day
  8. International “Anti-Aging Products Are 15% Off!” Day
  9. International “As a Father of Daughters, …” Day
  10. International “Hey, Why Don’t Men Get a Day?!” Day

