
Transcript of a Book Reading by Children’s Author, Carl Anger

It was a messed up night

Scott Kremer
Greener Pastures Magazine


Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash

There are no cell phones out, right? I’m not going to do this with any cell phones out! No pictures. No recording. Just sit there! Keep the kids quiet, and pay attention! There is no need to take pictures of this. Just keep the kids quiet!

Now, my agent tells me that before I read from this new one, “Bunny Plays The Trumpet,” I’m supposed to answer some questions that your kids wrote out, but I took a look at some of the questions back stage, and quite frankly, I see no need for us to go through any of that.

So let’s just pretend that I’m very happy to be here, and let me read this thing.

“Bunny Plays The Trumpet.” Another “Bunny Plays” story for children, by Carl Anger.

Bunny woke up in a pile of his own puke.

His head was throbbing a Gene Krupa beat, and his eyes were swollen shut like that chick from Willy Wonka who ate the blueberry gum.

“Jesus, what time is it,” he wondered.

“And Christ, where are my pants?”

Bunny could hear some noise outside the door.

“Who is it!” he yelled as he grabbed the wooden spool coffee table and pulled himself up, “I told you I’d have the money tomorrow!”

Bunny sprawled toward the baseball bat he kept near the radiator. His knees cracked like a popcorn popper inside a piñata. “What do you want!”

Just then Elephant pushed the door open, and clicked on the light. “For crying out loud, Bunny, what happened to you?”

“It was a messed up night,” Bunny replied. He dropped the baseball bat, and grabbed a menthol from a pack of cigarettes on the TV stand.

“Well, whatever,” said Elephant, “We got to get you to the gig….”

And that’s enough. The book just goes on from there. O.K.?

So, I’m just gonna go take a whizz and then you can line up and I’ll sign some books.

