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Wooderson From ‘Dazed and Confused’ Celebrates National Redhead Day
“This holiday is alright, alright, alright!”
Man, oh man, the day I’ve been looking forward to all year has finally arrived — the holiday that has the whole nation singing, “Oh beautiful for gracious guys, for Amber waves of mane.” I’m talking, of course, about National Redhead Day.
Let me tell you what this day is packin’ right here. You got your classic redheads, your ruby Deadheads, and your strawberry-blondes. You got your auburn babes burning it up, your full-on gingers, and your deep reds from Tinder.
Toss in some carrot reds, a few burgundy browns, and several rose gold gods or goddesses — hell, it don’t matter, it’s the twenties, boy. Everyone is swinging, and all gender identities are blinging, as long as they got that red hair, you dig?
That’s what I love about these redheads, man. They keep getting redder, and I stay the same. If she has freckles, then connect the dots, boss, because she’s hotter than molten lava.
Now, less than 2% of the population are redheads, and some say National Redhead Day is only for “natural” redheads. I say, “the redder the roots, the saucier the juice,” but all reds are welcomed. Whether au naturel or straight out of the box…