5 Reasons You Don’t Care About the Environment Like You Think You Do

Learn how your daily actions are negatively impacting the environment.

Margaret Sitawa
Greener Together


Image by Free Photos

Pollution, too much carbon dioxide, ozone layer depletion, global warning; terms synonymous to environment and the ways we harm it. You probably think, it’s not you but those corporations. Those big companies are the culprits in all this. But you know what? It’s you too and your daily habits. You’re doing these things.

You are responsible too.

1. You throw away your food.

Did you finish the food on your plate last night? Were you too full and you threw the rest away? Did you order too much, cook too much? Well, stop.

So much goes into productions of food: deforestation, cultivation, manufacturing, transportation. All these processes use energy and emit harmful substances into our environment.

1/3 of all foods are wasted in one year. This translates to the percentage of resources used in its making; a percentage of the environment that could be preserved otherwise.

Cook less, order what’s only enough and buy what’s necessary. If you can’t finish, eat it tomorrow or the next day or donate.

2. You leave the TV, stereo, switches on when you’re not using them.

You need to go out, just for a some minutes so you leave the TV ,the stereo, the lights on. You’ll be back in a few, it doesn’t hurt anyone. Nature begs to differ.

All these appliances require electricity whose production in all forms require fuel such as coal, oil. In turn waste such as emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants harm our environment.

So when not in use, switch it off.

3. You’re printing everything, using paper towels you don’t need to.

Do you know where paper comes from? Trees. The cornerstone of all life. The food we eat, the oxygen we breathe is brought by them. The carbon dioxide that needs to be done away with is stored by the same trees. Basically we really need them.

You print an email, a document that you don’t need to and not just once. You use paper towels like they grow on trees, pun not intended. Guess what? Money does grow on trees because they’re becoming so scarce now. The more we use, the more they’re needed and the less greener it gets on the other side.

4. You drink bottled water

Other than the fact that harmful toxins may be ingested by you through your consumption of bottled water while you have access to safe tap water, I really don’t think you need more convincing.

The environmental impact by bottled water is massive. Pollution from fuel used in production, transportation, storage to meet the demands and the million tons of water bottles waste leaking harmful chemicals into our environment.

Think of this, one bottle of water takes 1000 years to decompose. Basically you’re affecting your 30th generation that’s if the earth will still be sustainable by then.

So recycle or better yet drink tap water; it is much much better for your environment. And yes, it’s yours

5. You’re using face wash

Chances are the face wash you’re using contains exfoliating beads. They are so small and therefore not filtered when sewage is being treated. Consequently, they’re swallowed by fish which in turn poisons, harms, damages their organs, gills and general health.

So the next time you use face wash, think of the fish and choose to save some.

One less translates to two less and goes on to more less; less pollutants, less emissions and less harm to the environment.

You are that one. Be the one.



Margaret Sitawa
Greener Together

You'll find poems and stories with a personal touch here. Whatever you'll find, is my truth.