8 Easy Things You Can Do To Help the Environment

Simple changes you can make to your lifestyle sustainable.

Rashmi Maya
Greener Together
5 min readJul 4, 2020


Climate change is a very prominent issue today.

However, people can often be turned off from wanting to change their normal lifestyle because there is a misconception that in order to live a more sustainable life, you have to make drastic changes to the way you live.

This is simply not true.

There are countless ways you can integrate environmentally friendly practices into your life that will still make a long term change. Additionally, starting small often leads to longer success. Jumping into something with full force right away can sometimes stop people from wanting to continue it in the future.

With this, let’s get started! Here are a few simple and easy things you can do to help the environment:

1. Switch your primary browser to Ecosia

Ecosia is a free browser extension that you can add to your computer. Ecosia uses the profits from everything you search to plant trees in places where they are needed most.

Every time you search the web with Ecosia, the search ads will provide income for the browser. Once Ecosia receives this income, they plant as many trees as they can.

This is a super simple way to benefit the environment! The search engine works just as well as any other, and will go to good cause.

Visit the Ecosia site here: https://info.ecosia.org/what

A screenshot of the Ecosia Browser

2. Bring your own reusable bag to the grocery store

Bringing a reusable bag to the grocery store will limit the number of paper and plastic bags used. Often these paper and plastic bags get thrown to waste, but bringing your own bag can prevent this.

Tip: keep a reusable grocery bag in your car at all times! This can avoid accidentally forgetting a bag, which can sometimes happen when adjusting to new habits.

Next time you go to the grocery store, look for the store’s reusable bags and purchase a few!

3. Use cardboard tampons

Women’s menstrual products unfortunately also cause a lot of waste from plastic. However, Tampax has created tampons with cardboard applicators. This limits the waste of plastic from normal tampons.

You can purchase these online or at your local store!

4. Use Eco-friendly toothbrushes

Because we uses toothbrushes so often it’s easy to forget about the waste that comes from them.

Rather than using plastic toothbrushes that are thrown out more often, using biodegradable and bamboo toothbrushes will make a difference. Even purchasing a longer lasting electric toothbrush will avoid consistent waste!

5. Start to implement vegan options into your meals

This one can sometimes be a turn off for people. Changing your diet in drastic ways can seem daunting.

This is why I suggest starting small.

Start to research vegetarian and vegan options that you can implement into your meals. Find vegetarian meals that will give you the same amount of protein that a meal with meat might! You can even designate one day a week where you eat vegetarian, and/or try to eat one vegan/vegetarian meal a day.

It’s quite simple to find options after doing some google searches. And if you’re in the grocery store, keep a look out for any vegan choices that seem like you would enjoy them!

6. Don’t use plastic water bottles

This one seems simple enough since you hear it everywhere, but I too have found myself resorting to plastic water bottles at times.

Not only is using a reusable water bottle better for the environment, it’s probably easier for you to use than having to change plastic water bottles all the time. Having a reusable water bottle on you will make it easier for you to stay hydrated.

I use a Hydroflask, but I understand this is a more expensive water bottle. Purchasing reusable water bottles from your local store is equally as good! There are definitely some environmentally friendly ones — certain sites might donate their income to climate charities.

7. Educate.

This is one of the most important things you can do. Educate yourself on causes for climate change and who is affected.

Human practices are clearly a front runner for causing climate change. We simply overextend ourselves to claiming every resource as necessary to live. But, it’s important to educate yourself on the misconceptions of climate change and ways you can solve these problems.

I’ll give you a few educational stats to get you started:

  1. There is a misconception that the poorest half of the world contributes the most to carbon emissions. However, it’s actually the world’s richest 10% that contributes to over 50% of global carbon emissions whereas the poorest half of the world contributes only 10% (Source). Take some time to reflect on how your own practices might make make up carbon emission contributions and learn what you can do to help!
  2. Plastic use consistently affects wildlife, especially in our oceans. Losing biodiversity in our world is detrimental to the function of life on Earth. And if that still isn’t enough to upset you, losing biodiversity in places like our oceans (for example) will limit the number of resources you have for food.
  3. People of color and poorer populations are negatively affected by the effects of climate change and our responses, or lack thereof, to it. Specifically in the United States, race is single-handedly the biggest factor in determining whether you live near a toxic waste site (Source). All the factories used to mass produce plastic and other resources affect communities of color by exposing them to harmful environments that can cause developmental and health effects for the population.
  4. Learn the difference between recycling, trash, and composting. I suggest this article, which explains the differences and examples of items in each category. Additionally, on plastic items there are numbers in recycling signs at the bottom of each product. The numbers range from 1–7 and are used differently in recycling. You can learn more information in this article, and read more about safety in the image below.
Learn what the numbers on plastics mean

8. Use Social Media to Share Information.

Social Media is a great way to share the information you find. Whether that’s sharing this article, YouTube videos, and/or other resources, you will be making a difference by sharing new information with others who want to learn.

We are so lucky to be able to live in a society that can spread information rapidly through media. You can make a difference by sharing change, and acting on the change you promote.

Photo by ANGELA BENITO on Unsplash

I hope this article provides some new ideas and information for people that are seeking to make change for our environment. Remember, even small actions will make a big difference. Go Green!



Rashmi Maya
Greener Together

A student looking to expand her thoughts and reflections to the broader community!