A Holistic Guide to Looking and Feeling Divine

Natural health and beauty habits.

Jordan Eve <3
Greener Together
7 min readMay 21, 2024


Photo by Andrew Keymaster on Unsplash

I wholeheartedly believe that every human looks most beautiful in a healthy and untamed state.

By “untamed,” I simply mean that their appearance is not influenced by modern ideas of beauty: hair dye, heavy makeup, reconstructive surgery, etc.

I know my ideals can stir controversy, especially with the argument that these things can be used to enhance beauty. That may very well be true, but one certainly can’t effectively argue that these procedures and habits are healthy for the human body, because, well … they just aren’t.

With that in mind, no matter where you stand in your beliefs on the spectrum of natural and artificial beauty, an examination of my lifestyle can help you to, at the very least, install one healthy habit that has the power to change the trajectory of your life, health, and mindset.

First, let’s start with my…

Morning Routine

I wake up every morning after having allowed myself about 8 hours of sleep. That usually puts me at about 7:30am. I do not stress if I wake up before or after this time; I trust that my body knows what it needs and I go from there.

  1. DRINK WATER. After a full night of little to no water intake, it is essential to rehydrate with water. You can add lemon or other fruits if you’re feeling adventurous. I always have one of my reusable water bottles filled and ready to go.
  2. TONGUE SCRAPE. I know this habit has received a lot of attention on social media but for good reason! When you do the research on the bacteria that accumulates on your tongue, you’ll be disgusted that you haven’t tongue scraped all your life. I use this tongue scraper.
  3. MATCHA. Okay, so it doesn’t have to be matcha, but this is my preference. Even before breakfast, it feels nice to have some sort of superfood drink already in your system. I add honey or maple syrup to my matcha along with almond milk. My favorite matcha powder is by SEN CHA, but this one is second best.
  4. SUPPLEMENTS. I am always experimenting with supplements and vitamins but normally only have two in my rotation. My one constant is a simple multivitamin. Recently, I decided to see what all the hype around garlic is about. I love to get all my supplements from iHerb. Not only are their products cheaper than Amazon, but you can also earn rewards for your purchases and leaving honest reviews!
  5. SKINCARE. Simplicity is key to allowing your skin to age gracefully and regulate itself like it is meant to. Every morning, I rinse my face with water and apply niacinamide serum mixed with my moisturizer. On days of long sun exposure (don’t come at me, but I don’t believe complete avoidance of UV rays is the healthiest approach — our bodies need to produce vitamin d) I use sunscreen.
  6. BREAKFAST. I have no set time for breakfast. Usually, I eat 1–3 hours after waking, whenever my body feels ready. Lots of times this consists of fruit, oatmeal, and/or a soft boiled egg on toast. I usually have a cup of green tea too.

I also want to start incorporating sunrise walks into my mornings because it is a good way to kickstart bodily circulation for the day. I am already an avid walker — which I will mention soon — but I want to get moving earlier and more.

Daily Habits

Every day is very different, but I have a list of things that I try — and mostly succeed — at doing often. I have seen a difference in my mental and physical health when I do these things.

  1. WALKING. It really depends on the time of year when I do this, but in the summer, I walk every evening. Every evening. Sometimes I walk a 1.5 miles, sometimes 3. Either way, I am out, moving, and appreciating nature. No matter how my day is going, I feel better when I walk. I also attribute this form of exercise to maintaining toned calves. Depending on the weather, I don a hair scarf, some sunglasses, and get moving.
  2. GREEN TEA. I drink several cups of Bigelow’s organic green tea every day. It is full of antioxidants no matter what, but I make sure to buy the organic kind because — here is the strange part — I rub the tea bag on my face when I am done. It acts as a gentle exfoliant and toner, and it feels so refreshing. On top of that, with my olive complexion, if the tea stains my skin at all, it only helps to make me look more glowy.
  3. LEGS UP THE WALL. I don‘t know how effective it actually is, but I will lay on my back with my legs against the wall for about 10 minutes to improve my circulation. It is a well-studied yoga pose and you can read about it here.
  4. FUN MOVEMENT. For me, that is hula hooping with a weighted hula hoop! I have loved hula hooping since I was 5 years old. For some reason, it brings me so much joy. I will turn on some music — sometimes a movie — and get moving. I haven’t always used a weighted hula hoop, but, when I bought one a few years ago, the practice became even more fun and satisfying. It is a great core workout, perfect for a rainy or cold day at home.

Night Routine

A solid night routine sets you up to feel good in the morning. As mentioned before, I like to aim for a healthy 8 hours of sleep, so that puts me in bed at about 10:30pm. But before I lay down I…

  1. DRINK FOR SLEEP. I have always had trouble falling asleep, but I have found that chamomile tea and magnesium powder can truly make a difference. (If you like a more floral flavor, I recommend lavender chamomile tea; it tastes lovely with honey.) As for the magnesium powder, I drink Magnesi-Om by Moon Juice but there are many other companies that make quality powders.
  2. HAIR CARE. I shower every evening but only wash my hair every 2–4 days, depending on what it needs. I use Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner, which is great, but my hair holy grail in Mielle’s leave-in conditioner. I have long, curly hair, and leave-ins are a lifesaver. Without them, my hair feels dry and my curls frizz. Leave-in conditioners are good for every hair type, but I can only speak from my experience of using it in my curly hair.
  3. SKINCARE. Everybody’s skin has different needs and sensitivities, so I keep my products minimal. First, I use a gentle cleanser every night in the shower. Then, while my skin is still damp, I will apply castor oil to my eyelashes, eyebrows, and under eye area. This oil results in insane hair growth and is a convenient alternative to eye serums. Finally, when my face is dry, I apply 0.025 tretinoin. I have been using tretinoin nightly for a few months and have no intentions of switching to a higher potency.
  4. ORAL CARE. Brushing your teeth is a given, but many people forget the importance of flossing. Flossing removes sediment, bacteria, and results in healthier gums.

Alternative Bodycare

I don’t do much in the way of body care. I don’t own lotions or body wash. I have just a few habits that aid my skin in repairing itself and staying soft.

  1. DRINK WATER. You know I had to get that in there somewhere. But really, water helps in the overall function and hydration of all your body’s organs. And skin is the biggest of them all. When you drink enough water, you don’t need the help of lotions or body washes that do nothing but strip your skin of its natural oils.
  2. EPILATION. There’s an initial period of redness and sensitivity that you must get over, but once you do, epilation is the quickest and cleanest way to get rid of body hair. I currently only epilate my legs, and, overtime, epilation results in less and thinner regrowth. An epilator is an investment, but it negates the need of razors, shaving cream, and other products. I use the Braun Silk Epil 9. It is cordless, rechargeable, and able to get wet. I have had mine going on 3 years and expect to have it much longer.
  3. DRY BRUSHING. Admittedly, I don’t dry brush as often as I should, but that is not for lack of good results. When I do dry brush, I can see the dead skin flaking off my skin, my legs especially. It leaves me with smoother skin and a more even skin tone.
Photo by Aaron on Unsplash

Even with all of this written down, I am always looking for ways to better my routine, and, in turn, myself. If you have any personal habits you would like to share, please leave them in the comments!

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Jordan Eve <3
Greener Together

I'm just a silly girl with a peppermint tea addiction who writes of mundane horrors and her obsessions used to escape them.