Despair Is Not The Only Response To Our Climate Crisis

It’s not the end of the world, but the beginning of a more self-determined one.

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Greener Together


Photo by sharifphoto Sharif on Unsplash

Too late to turn the tide?

Yesterday, we all read about some of the lethal effects of Hurricane Ida. Also fires continue to choke the west. The increasing toll — and death knoll — of our old Earth rings throughout the world.

Every day there is an oil-slick of ink spilled on why it’s too late to stop climate change. Or, we read that people are too helpless, depressed, or despairing to feel any power to stop it.

It’s true.

It’s too late to stop climate change. But it is not too late to stop the worst effects. It is not too late to save lives. It is not too late to protect ecosystems. It is definitely not too late to stop the spewing poison of toxins in our fuel and waste stream.

It feels like an overwhelming problem because we drive gas powered cars. We shop, eat, and consume fossil fuel-based commodities.

We see, feel, and know this at a deeply, largely unconscious level.

Fight, flight or freeze

The reason why it is not the end of the world is that many people every day are becoming more…



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Greener Together

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.