Global Warming and the Carbon Bubble: A Reality Check

The earth will survive, but the people won’t unless we understand what’s at stake and take action.

The Good Men Project
Greener Together


photo istock

By Carol Bluestein

I write this for my children and their children as well as for yours. Global Warming may not affect our lives. If we aren’t in the path of a virulent hurricane, tornado, wildfire, flash flood, Tsunami, earthquake, and or drought, and our home doesn’t sit on a scenic coastline, flood plain, or island, we’re going to be just fine.

It is a fact that burning fossil fuels causes emissions that increase the density of our atmosphere and keep the heat from escaping into space. The oil, gas, and coal emissions give off carbon dioxide. With no place to go, it saturates the air we breathe, compromising our health. It saturates our water, creating carbonic acid, and kills off species of fish and plankton on which aquatic creatures feed.

In addition, the emissions forming the barrier around the earth, keep the heat and radiation in, much like a car, in winter, sitting in the sun. The atmospheric heat bounces back to earth and warms the air, water, and land. In fact, “the heat accumulating in the Earth because of human emissions is roughly equal to the heat that would be released by 400,000 Hiroshima atomic



The Good Men Project
Greener Together

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