He Walks In Deserts

Stephen Nett
Greener Together
Published in
6 min readJan 7, 2024


Artist Adventurer Author Obi Kaufmann’s latest exploration — on foot - takes him deep into California’s remarkable desertlands

Face of a raptor watching intently in a watercolor painting by artist Obi Kaufman from his book on California deserts.
Watching the watcher — a desert raptor eyes the author. Watercolor by Obi Kaufmann.

A friend returned recently from Indiana, a state blessed with oceans of corn and solid people and decidedly Red State politicians, and he mentioned an experience he’d had there in a small town’s motel breakfast room.

He noticed a young woman at a nearby table looking at the foil ketchup packet she was opening.

“Ewww,” she exclaimed, “it’s from California!

and dropped it like a moldy lemon.

It was a reminder about the risks of holding opinions of places we haven’t really explored. California’s bounty of tomatoes - more tons of tomatoes than any other state - are actually grown by farmers in staunchly Red counties, working alongside migrant labor from over the border.

We all hold notions that aren’t firmly anchored

in what the naturalist calls ‘ground truth’, which you can only get by actually standing in a place and carefully observing what’s there.

Say “deserts” and most of us are likely to conjure images of empty sand dunes and sterile badlands. But, as author, artist and keen nature observer Obi Kaufmann shows in his latest hand-illustrated…



Stephen Nett
Greener Together

Writer, science editor, naturalist, entrepreneur. Hunting solutions, reporting from the deep end of the pool.