Save Planet Earth: How To Ensure the Future for our Children

What does Mark Wahlberg’s movie The Happening from 2008 and the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak have in common? That Planet Earth, our home, can survive without us — and it can restore itself faster than expected.

Peter Preskar
Greener Together


A.Einstein: “If the bee disappears from the surface of Earth, man would have no more than 4 years to live” (Source: Personal archive of Peter Preskar)

The Happening is a 2008 apocalyptic film directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Mark Wahlberg. People in New York City suddenly begin dying by mass suicide. Later it is revealed plantlife has developed a defense mechanism against humans. Trees are releasing an airborne toxin which stimulates neurotransmitters and causes humans to kill themselves. Plants are targeting only large groups of people. The message of the movie is clear — we are doing too much damage to the planet, therefore the planet decided to reduce our numbers to a more sustainable level.

The coronavirus outbreak in 2020 is surreal. Streets are empty, shelves in supermarkets are empty and there is no traffic on motorways. Flights are canceled…

