The Great American Megadrought Part 2: Water [Live Call Recording]

Part II of a three part series.

The Good Men Project
Greener Together


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Thaddeus Howze

Water: The Earth’s surface is covered with it. Unfortunately, 99.9% of that water is saltwater and cannot be used without extreme processing. This means Humans have to use water for almost every industrial and agricultural process and the amount of water we use is staggering.

Our profligate use has begun to negatively alter ecosystems around us. As rainfall changes, our nation begins to struggle to deal with a future with less water than it has had in the past. California uses 13.87 trillion gallons of water per year or measured daily, the equivalent of 38 billion gallons per DAY.

Part Two:

• What are the largest users of water and can they be cut back? Are there alternatives to using freshwater for agriculture?
• What are the plans for dealing with this challenge as the snowpack diminishes and periods of rainfall have become non-existent?
• What is virtual water?
• What is YOUR water footprint? Let’s find out on Climate Change By the Elements!

Water Facts:



The Good Men Project
Greener Together

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