The Hubris of Mankind: Our Survival May Depend on the Secrets We Can Learn from the Animals

Hubris is a Greek word that originally meant defiance of the gods, nearly always resulting in divine retribution.

The Good Men Project
Greener Together


Photo credit: iStock

By Jed Diamond Ph.D

Hubris is a Greek word that originally meant defiance of the gods, nearly always resulting in divine retribution. Its modern meaning is “extreme arrogance, a combination of foolish pride and dangerous self-confidence. It aptly describes mankind’s attitude towards the natural world.”

Jan Bee Landman, Editor-in-Chief, of Aftermath magazine says,

We humans have always had a hugely inflated opinion of ourselves. Our ability to outsmart other animals made us believe that we were unique, superior to all other beings, not bound by the laws of nature but free to do anything we wanted. We imagined that we were supernatural, the center of the universe, pinnacle of creation, darlings of our imagined gods, destined for eternal life, partly divine and sometimes even entirely so. This delusion of grandeur blinded us to the grave errors that marked our reign, the worst–and now seemingly fatal–error being our disregard for nature.



The Good Men Project
Greener Together

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