The Wedding Waves in Kona Are Just the Beginning

The rogue waves splashing over into the wedding will keep coming.

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Greener Together


Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash

We have stood, many times, on the very spots in Kailua Kona where uninvited guest waves crashed the wedding.

Kona, of course, is in Hawaii. Island nations are both a wonderful warning, and a testing ground to see how people respond to a quickly heating world.

For us, it became too hot to farm, there, anymore. We were too tired to cope with the toil, invasive species, and unpredictable storms each of which is a different effect touched by heat and unpredictable weather, so we moved home to the Pacific Northwest, (which has it’s own warming issues, smoke, fire, drought, heat domes, Etc.)

The wedding wave was just a warning.

Crashing the wedding

No one was hurt, but this is only the beginning of rising seas. If you imagine a foot, or more, of water, all the way across the width of the whole ocean, you can begin to conceive of the volume of water it takes to add more fury and power to any system.

The heat and currents, the high and low pressure mixing, the condition of things like barrier reefs, and the La Nina and El Nino patterns will all play a part, to name just a few factors.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Greener Together

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.