Why You Should Start Biking to Work Every Day

Help yourself and help the environment.

The Good Men Project
Greener Together


Photo credit: iStock

By Scott Huntington

Humans have yet to discover a more efficient form of transportation than the bicycle. Sorry, scooter guy. Bikes are fun, healthy and cheap. They’re enjoying a resurgence around the world, too — major cities offer them for free to municipal users, and they have the added benefit of zero pollution. They’re sustainable public transport. What could be better?

As part of a civilization that chooses far less efficient means of transport during our daily commute to contribute to society, you have to ask, why not bike? Here are a few great reasons you should choose to ride on two wheels.

1. Biking is good for you

Human-powered transportation is always the healthiest option. You could walk to work, but that might result in many people arriving very late to their jobs. A well-tuned bike can easily cruise at 20mph, which makes moderate commutes manageable assuming you don’t live terribly far from work. Still, in that short stint, you’ll be burning hundreds of calories, keeping your heart healthy and pumping fresh blood through those leg and core muscles.

Biking is a great exercise, and you don’t have to be a Tour-worthy rider to get the benefits…



The Good Men Project
Greener Together

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