CBD 101: The CBD Beginner’s Guide

Green Forest
Published in
9 min readNov 27, 2019

Browsing through the billions of articles online about cannabis and cannabidiol is not just time consuming — sometimes it’s the most unfruitful endeavor. That’s why we have created this CBD beginner’s guide to help newbies understand the basics of what cannabidiol is, how to use it and where to find it.

It can be confusing out there in the cannabis world, which virtually has a language of its own. Many become deeply overwhelmed by the volume of information, and sometimes it is very difficult to know what to do with it all. By the time you’ve finished reading this guide, you should feel adequately prepared for your journey as a cannabidiol user.

First Things First — What Is CBD?

To put it simply, CBD, scientifically known as cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. It is one of over 400 different active compounds found in cannabis or hemp. CBD is more prevalent in the hemp plant than in cannabis, but fundamentally, can be extracted from both varieties. It is completely non-psychoactive, meaning it has no intoxicating effects, but offers multiple remedial effects.

Most recently, cannabidiol has become popular among those seeking the remedial benefits of cannabis without the side effect of being high. It can be consumed in multiple different ways, from smoking to oral consumption all the way to topical application. It offers a natural alternative to pharmaceutical medication for those suffering from many different ailments such as epilepsy, Crohn’s Disease, PTSD, chronic pain and even multiple sclerosis.

How Does CBD Work?

cannabidiol offers its remedial benefits by targeting the human body’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is a complex network of endogenous cannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by the human body) and their complementary and respective cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoid receptors are located all over the central and peripheral nervous systems, the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, the skin and reproductive organs. In fact, there are cannabinoid receptors almost everywhere, on almost every single vital organ.

The fundamental role of the endocannabinoid system is to maintain homeostasis of all the other functions of the body. This means that a functional endocannabinoid system also maintains neuroendocrine function, appetite, memory, cognitive function and pleasure.

The two main endogenous cannabinoids of the human body are arachidonoyl ethanolamide (anandamide) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG). They behave somewhat like neurotransmitters, and affect multiple aspects of human physiology and pathophysiology. A person’s circadian rhythm all the way to how their bowels function are affected by the behavior of the endocannabinoid system.

When phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from the cannabis plant) enter the body, they communicate directly with the endocannabinoid system. In the case of THC, it mimics endogenous cannabinoids by binding to their receptor binding sites, causing a cascade of events that would often be caused by our very own cannabinoids. CBD, on the other hand, does not have much of an affinity for cannabinoids receptors, and works using more peripheral pathways.

One such pathway is in the way that cannabidiol increases anandamide levels. By inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down anandamide, cannabidiol increases the serum levels of anandamide in the body. This is correlated with greater feelings of pleasure, wellbeing, relaxation and reduction of psychosis symptoms.

Is CBD Legal?

Given how controversial cannabis is in the modern world, readers might be wondering if cannabidiol is even legal. It’s a good — albeit complicated — question. The answer is both yes and no.

US politics and drug policy is particularly confusing because there is an inconsistency between many state laws and federal law. While in many states, cannabis is legal in virtually all forms, the federal government still deems cannabis to be a Schedule I drug. However, at the end of 2018, the Farm Bill was signed, legalizing hemp cultivation and hemp-derived products.

This means that now, according to federal drug policy, any CBD product manufactured from hemp is legal anywhere in the USA. However, any cannabidiol product manufactured from the marijuana plant is not legal. The fundamental difference between these two plants is that hemp naturally contains negligible amounts of THC, whereas marijuana produces naturally elevated levels of the psychoactive cannabinoid.

Therefore, cannabidiol is legal if and only if it is derived from a hemp plant. Most cannabidiol products are, but there still exist cannabidiol products manufactured from marijuana.

What is cannabidiol used for?

There are multiple reasons that someone might use CBD. Because it targets the endocannabinoid system, it has effects that reach many different parts of the body. For this reason, it can be used by many people with seemingly unrelated ailments. In general, cannabidiol has the characteristics of antioxidant, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic (anti-nausea), antiproliferative (in the case of cancer), antipsychotic, antispasmodic and analgesic.

When we look at these list of effects, it’s quite obvious why CBD can help so many different people. CBD is able to reach symptoms that manifest in such a wide range of conditions. FOr example, as an anti-inflammatory, CBD can be remedial for those with rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, cancer and fibromyalgia. As an antispasmodic, CBD is able to assist those with Parkinson’s Disease, epilepsy and other muscle spasticity conditions.

CBD is able to help people with the following conditions:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Cancer
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Psychosis
  • Eczema
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic pain

This list is not exhaustive. There are many conditions which manifest symptoms that CBD can reach. This is what makes it so versatile as a therapeutic agent and why so many different people testify to cannabidiol’s benefits.

How do you consume cannabidiol?

Thanks to modern technology, CBD can be consumed in so many different ways that virtually everybody’s needs are met. Whereas once upon a time, cannabis was solely something that went into a pipe to be smoked, cannabis is now something that virtually anybody can use — even those who are repulsed by smoking!

CBD oil

CBD oil is the most likely of culprits when it comes to CBD products. CBD is extracted from hemp plant material using any number of extraction techniques and is then infused into a carrier oil. It is used sublingually (dropped under the tongue) where it dissolves into the aqueous membrane of the mouth.

CBD edibles

CBD edibles are exactly what the name suggests. They are edible products, often gummies or candies, which contain a single dose of CBD. CBD passes through the digestive system after which it is absorbed into the blood. It can take much longer for edible CBD to take effect than other forms of consumption.

CBD vape juice

It is becoming increasingly popular to vaporize CBD. The taste of cannabis can be bypassed completely, while the inhalation method of consumption yields the fastest results. This also satisfies the urge to smoke for those who prefer the smoking method of consumption.

CBD topicals

Topicals are essentially lotions or creams that have been infused with CBD. They are designed for external use especially for the treatment of localized pain or inflammation. These preparations often include other botanical products which are anti-inflammatory or analgesic. This is a great way to use cBD for those who are still reluctant to ingest it.

CBD water

CBD water is a relatively new addition to the cannabis industry. As the name suggests, CBD has been infused into water. While this might sound simple, it requires very advanced technology to make CBD water soluble, as it generally does not dissolve in water. It is one of the most easily absorbed forms of CBD for the human body, and is obviously one of the most discreet ways to consume CBD.

CBD suppositories

CBD suppositories are usually made with CBD extracts and coconut oil. CBD is infused into coconut oil and then left to solidify in a mold. It can be used vaginally or rectally, and is often used as a medical treatment for conditions that exist around that part of the body.

Which CBD product people often use?

With the abundance of different “versions” of CBD on the market, it can be hard to choose which one is for you. Each product was created for different reasons, and despite the fact that they all contain CBD, they have different effects because of the different ways in which they were created. Knowing exactly why you will be using CBD is the best indicator of which product you should use. As a general rule of thumb, users can use the following guide.

You may use CBD oil if:

  • You don’t mind the taste of CBD oil
  • You don’t mind waiting 15–30 minutes for CBD to take effect
  • The problem you are trying to fix is internal (pain, internal inflammation, muscle spasticity, anxiety etc)
  • You know your dose

CBD edibles may be better for you if:

  • You really don’t like the taste of CBD or cannabis products
  • You are treating a stomach or gastrointestinal problem (so that CBD can reach the stomach and intestines)
  • You don’t mind waiting up to 1 hour for CBD to take effect
  • You know your dose

Use CBD vape juice if:

  • You need to feel the effects immediately (such as chronic pain, chronic and sudden anxiety etc)
  • You really like vaping and want a healthier way to inhale
  • You have no strict dosage requirements

Use CBD topicals if:

  • The problem you have is external and localized (eczema, arthritis, wounds, muscle injuries, muscle pain)
  • You would like to complement ingestion of CBD
  • You are still a little reluctant to ingest it

Drink CBD water if:

  • You would like a high dose of CBD and would like to feel the effects rapidly
  • You need a discreet way of ingesting small amounts of CBD over the course of a day
  • You use it as a health supplement and complement that with extra water consumption

Use CBD suppositories if:

  • Your problem is specifically genital or rectal
  • You are a woman with menstrual pain, endometriosis or other cervical problems
  • You are brave enough to be among the few who get the most benefits out of CBD because they use it rectally or vaginally

CBD: A Journey Towards Health

For many, the choice to use CBD is a big one. After almost 100 years of prohibition and multiple propaganda campaigns against cannabis, it can be nerve racking confronting new information. For many people, recent light on the benefit of cannabis means forgetting virtually everything that was taught to us as children about using this plant. But now that we know it has such powerful healing effects for such a wide variety of people, it offers an exciting journey towards health.

Cannabidiol is a gentle alternative to pharmaceutical medication which can have debilitating side effects for many. Very much on the contrary, CBD has almost no side effects and is gentle for both the elderly and children alike.

And now it’s time for the disclaimers:

Genius Labs products are not for sale to or for use by persons who are under 18 years old. The products mentioned above should be used only as indicated on their own label. They should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. If you have a serious medical condition or are using prescription medications, you should consult your doctor or health care professional first before using any of these products. You should get the advice of your doctor before starting any dietary supplement program.

Remember that Genius Labs products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. This information should not be interpreted as medical advice or treatment. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting any medication or supplements. Further, Genius Labs does not manufacture, sell or distribute any products that are in violation of California State Law.

This article contains hyperlinks to other Internet sites not under the editorial control of Genius Labs. These hyperlinks and any products, services or information available from these sites are not express or implied endorsements or approvals by Genius Labs.

Thank you for reading!

