Debunking misconceptions about cannabidiol and its uses

Green Forest
Published in
7 min readNov 13, 2018

As the use of CBD (cannabidiol) and hemp-based products become more prevalent in the world today, we are seeing a certain amount of the breaking down of taboos. Whereas in the past, the terms hemp and cannabidiol were directly associated with hippies and ‘alternative types’, we are now beginning to see hemp-based products being more widely accepted and ever- deepening research showing the medicinal qualities of cannabidiol.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of over 100 chemical compounds which is found in the cannabis plant — called cannabinoids. It can be extracted from the cannabis plant by using a number of methods, including using chemicals, CO2 or even olive oil, and CBD is one of the compounds within the plant that has had the most research carried out.

It is important to remember that CBD is only one small part of the Cannabis plant, and it is easy for some people to get confused between hemp and marijuana in general — and this is where many of the myths come from.


The hemp plant belongs to the Cannabis family and therefore contains CBD. It is a type of cannabis sativa plant, but it has very low levels of THC, which is the part of the plant that makes you ‘high’. It is a fibrous plant, which is completely legal and is typically used for making hemp oils, ointments, foods, clothes and much more.

Hemp is essentially a ‘THC-free’ version of marijuana, with all of the benefits and none of the downsides.

De-Mystifying CBD

Research shows that CBD is becoming increasingly important in medicine, helping to treat a growing number of illnesses. For the general public to easily accept to be treated with hemp CBD, it is important that we can bust some of the myths that surround it.

So, what are some common CBD myths and what is the truth?

“CBD will make you high…”

One of the most common myths about CBD is that it will get you high. The compound in cannabis which is psychoactive, is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), so unless your CBD oil has THC included, you won’t feel any ‘high’. Hemp CBD is non-intoxicating, so regardless of the amount that is consumed, it won’t result in you feeling any ‘high’.

Some CBD oil does include a small number of other compounds — but the amounts of THC are negligible, and you won’t feel any effect from it — and we only use hemp products so nothing from us will get you high.

“There’s no real scientific research…”

There are still a lot of people who don’t think that there is a significant amount of scientific research out there about the medicinal properties in CBD. Being a relatively new concept in the scientific community, it’s true that although there are many personal testimonies, there isn’t the same amount of scientific research available as other medications or treatments.

That doesn’t mean, however, that there isn’t any scientific research that proves the effectiveness of CBD for treating some illnesses. Extensive research shows, for example that CBD can be highly effective in treating adult schizophrenia, depression, joint pain and social anxiety. There is also a lot of research and trials which show that CBD can be used successfully to treat childhood epilepsy as another example.

“CBD isn’t as good as traditional medicine”

CBD is often looked at as a ‘lighter’ or less effective option in the treatment of illnesses. According to Brightman Group, however, 69% of hemp CBD users say that it is “more effective” or “much more effective” than over the counter medicines. Another 56% of hemp CBD users say that it is “more effective” or “much more effective” at relieving medical conditions than prescription medicines.

In fact, research from the Brightfield Group shows that 42% CBD users have stopped using traditional medications altogether.

“CBD is only used by hippies…”

It is certainly true that CBD used to be consumed mainly by hippies or ‘free-spirit’ types looking for alternative medicine for whatever their health issue may be. Things are changing, however. As taboos are being broken down we are seeing an increasing number of people using CBD, and people across the whole spectrum.

Research from Brightfield Group shows that the largest group of hemp CBD users fall into the 50–64 years old range, 59% are female and almost half of the CBD users have a bachelor’s degree or higher.

“CBD will show up in a blood or urine test…”

Some people worry that if they consume hemp CBD, it will show up in a blood or urine test used by places or work or the state. Drugs testing only looks for THC in the system, so by using CBD-isolated products containing 0% of THC, you will have no traces of of THC in your system, that you will have no problem with drugs testing.

“CBD has a sedative effect…”

Possibly due to people’s view of ‘stoners’ and cannabis smokers being layabouts, or maybe due to the fact that research shows that hemp CBD can help with anxiety, a lot of people have concluded that CBD has a sedative effect. There are two strains of marijuana — Indica and Sativa. It is one of the terpenes that are found in the Indica strain that gives users the sense of lethargy.

The hemp plant, however, is of the strain Sativa, which actually can make you a little more alert and energetic. This is why hemp CBD can be effective for people who suffer from depression and anxiety and not give them a ‘low’.

“Hemp and CBD is something new…”

You might think that getting hemp oils, balms and CBD oil is a new thing. Actually, hemp products have been used in a number of products for many years. Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, hemp has been used for years in skin care products, shampoos and conditioners.

It is only recently, however, that buying hemp CBD products has become easier and more accepted.

“Hemp seed oil is the same as hemp CBD extract…”

The hemp seed oil that is available in the corner shop will not have the same effect as hemp cannabidiol extract. The regular hemp seed oil which you can buy in the supermarket is made by cold pressing the hemp seeds, so although it is still nutritious, it doesn’t have the same properties as a high CBD hemp extract which includes other aspects of the plant which help it to work better.

“All CBD is the same…”

As the CBD market is a new one, and one that looks like is going to take-off, the market has been completely flooded with people trying to cash in on CBD. The market — especially online, is in the main part, unregulated, which means that unfortunately unscrupulous individuals can operate. It is important, therefore, if you are thinking about buying some sort of CBD product, to remember that it’s not all the same.

One CBD molecule is the same as another CBD molecule. That much is true. However, the way that you buy it can differ. CBD products made from the hemp plant will have negligible THC, so, whilst they will be beneficial to your health, they are not psychoactive.

Some cannabidiol producers also offer it with the ‘entourage effect’. This is where some of the other parts of the cannabis plant are left in, making the CBD more effective. Other compounds and terpenes can react to the CBD, heightening its therapeutic effect for patients.

“People will hide illegal cannabis plants in a hemp field…”

The idea that people who are growing illegal cannabis can hide it in a hemp field is another common misconception. If hemp and illegal marijuana plants were to be planted together, they would cross pollinate and will ruin and reduce the THC in the illegal plants, rendering them useless. That’s why we love it and they hate it.

“Hemp doesn’t help the environment”

Our hemp is produced without the use of nasty chemicals, pesticides or herbicides and two or three times more hemp can be made in the same area as cotton, meaning that it is very spatially efficient. Hemp is also good for the soil that it is planted in, and pure hemp products are completely recyclable and biodegradable.

It is important for us that the truth about hemp CBD gets out there, so that we can begin to lift the fog and break down the taboos. It is only by doing this that we can begin to see those who would really benefit from its properties get the access that they need.

