Stop Reading Labels!

Greenhealth Exchange
Greenhealth Exchange
2 min readJul 19, 2019


By Susan Eubanks, Organic Valley, Organic Prairie, and Mighty Organic Brands

Food labels. Talk about a recipe for a migraine. Talk about greenwashing!

Good news! You don’t need a PhD or a migraine to figure them out. You only need to recognize one symbol.

It’s the only food label that is regulated by an act of Congress!

Under the umbrella of this symbol rests pretty much everything you want in and out of your food, not to mention your life.

No “bads” are allowed in organic:

No antibiotics

No synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers or hormones.

No GMOs.

Humane animal care? All those “callouts” you see on packages, like Cage free! Free range! These practices are embedded in the care of organic animals. Plus, organic animals aren’t allowed to eat anything raised with “bads” either. When animals eat well, you do, too! For example, whole milk from organic dairy cows grazing healthy, organic pasture grasses contains 63% more nutritious omega 3 fatty acids than non-organic milk.

Respect for the environment? You guessed it. Already built-in to organic farming practices. Healthy, chemical-free soil is the foundation of organic farms, and that is the critical foundation of animal and human health and well being.

For seriously eye-opening info on what the other kind of farming does to our soil and water, watch these brief five-minute videos.



So, put away the magnifying glass and your headache medication and look for the symbol. It’s as easy as that.

