Is Work from Home the New Normal?

Kanishk Srivastava
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2020

An enormous number of workers worldwide who have been forced to work from home because of the ongoing pandemic may find themselves permanently working from home, according to a new survey from research firm Gartner. A big reason for this is a move by CFOs to find new ways to manage costs.

For a vast majority of the working population going to their workplace requires heavy commuting through traffic and crowded public transports which are incredibly stressful for most. Being at home allows people to skip the hustle of getting to their working space and start their work with the right mindset! Moreover, the hours saved in travel could be used by employees to explore their hobbies, greatly increasing their quality of life!

Companies like Microsoft were already experimenting with 4-day work weeks before that lockdown. Microsoft’s 4-day work week experiment resulted in a gigantic 40% increase in employee productivity. Moreover, the experiment helped Microsoft preserve electricity and office resources. The number of printed pages reduced by 58.7%, while electricity consumption was down by 23.1% compared to the previous month! Along with the greener lifestyle of the 4-day work week comes the betterment of work-life balance too!

Considering the scale and spectrum of the impact that a reduced work-day caused, it should be safe to assume that somewhere in the lockdown there is a top-secret executive meeting weighing the pros and cons of having a partly or fully remote setup for every business.

Change is inevitable. Progress is a choice.

⁠Normal wasn’t working. This is our second chance to adapt to a new normal that’s better for the planet!⁠

