Startups can use Chat GPT as an interim Chief Sustainability Officer

Varun George
3 min readMar 29, 2023


Most startups and SMEs don’t have a dedicated CSO — The role of CSO is becoming increasingly common as companies recognise the importance of sustainability in their operations.

One of the CSO’s key priorities — especially early on — is to make clear how sustainability contributes to the business. It is not an either/or but an and. Creating that understanding and linkage of how sustainability drives value is absolutely key. You also need to address how sustainability links up with and strengthens your brand story. Sustainability in itself is not a differentiator, so you need to develop your sustainability narrative.

We asked Chat GPT this question:

You are an ESG consultant and well-versed with all the frameworks and standards to help me start measuring my non-financial impact. Help me as the founder of a startup understand how I start this process so that I can become an industry leader in sustainability ?

Response from Chat GPT:

As an ESG consultant, I can certainly help you start measuring your non-financial impact and become an industry leader in sustainability. Here are the steps you can take to start the process:

  1. Define your sustainability goals and objectives: Begin by defining what sustainability means for your startup and what you want to achieve. This could include reducing your carbon footprint, reducing waste, promoting social equality, or improving product quality. These goals should align with your business strategy and values.
  2. Identify your stakeholders: Identify who your stakeholders are, including customers, employees, suppliers, investors, and the community. Understanding their expectations and concerns will help you prioritize your efforts and tailor your approach.
  3. Conduct a materiality assessment: A materiality assessment will help you identify the most significant sustainability issues that are relevant to your business and stakeholders. This will help you prioritize your efforts and focus on the areas where you can make the most significant impact.
  4. Choose a sustainability framework: Choose a sustainability framework that aligns with your goals and values. The most popular frameworks are the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Each framework has its own reporting guidelines, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your needs.
  5. Develop a sustainability strategy: Develop a sustainability strategy that aligns with your goals, stakeholders, and materiality assessment. This strategy should include specific targets, timelines, and metrics to track progress towards your goals.
  6. Implement your sustainability strategy: Implement your sustainability strategy by integrating sustainability into your operations, products, and services. This could include adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and emissions, sourcing sustainable materials, and promoting social equality.
  7. Measure and report your progress: Measure and report your progress towards your sustainability goals using the framework you have chosen. This will help you track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and communicate your sustainability efforts to your stakeholders.

By following these steps by Chat GPT, you can start measuring your social impact and aim to become an industry leader in sustainability. Remember, sustainability is a journey, not a destination, so it’s important to continually assess your progress and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Companies need to start with an impact report for a given year, which becomes their baseline year, to track progress and set sustainability goals.

Reach out to us at for support irrespective of where you are on your sustainability journey.

