Why I started a Green Tech initiative.

Rushil Agrawal
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2018

Recently, I had various experiences which exposed me to the atrocities that we’ve inflicted upon nature and its horrible impact on the planet.

Delhi, the city I live in, suffers such heavy air pollution that there is a perpetual smog and lung disease is becoming alarmingly common.

A possible solution

I realised that a large number of individuals have the desire to contribute to the environment, some in a small and some in a greater capacity. If the willingness of these people could be harnessed, immense impact could be created.

The challenge lies in getting people to take action. There lies a gap between being inspired and actively contributing.


The led me to create GreenLane — A platform which helps people discover actionable ideas to make a difference, through discussion with a community of environment experts.

Whether you want to follow the latest in the world of sustainable living, learn how to contribute individually or in a larger capacity, the Green Lane community can guide & inspire you.

If this is something that matters to you, hit me up at rushil@greenlane.co.in

