Writing Guidelines

Ted Shabecoff
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2021

Greenly is the front page of the Green Revolution.

Greenly is a selective online environmental publication that provides a forum for readers, writers, experts, students, and everyone in-between to discuss the topics at the forefront of our collective concerns. As a writer, you’ll be able to use Greenly to share your knowledge with readers around the world. Submit an article to join the conversation and help shape the future of our planet.

General Guidelines for Greenly Stories

Make a Killer Title

Craft a title that is concise and ‘sticky’. Something that will draw the eye of the reader and entice them to give your article a click. Some suggestions to make your title stand out are: 1) Include Numbers 2) Add attractive adjectives 3) Use call-to-action words.

Your Lead Should Add Value

Remember that your lead is the place to quickly summarize your article concisely and grab the readers’ attention before they’ve decided to give your article a full read. This section is optional, but encouraged.

Craft a Unique Piece

Before you put pen to paper, you should ask yourself: ‘has this been written before?’ If the answer is yes, please consider finding a new topic or a new perspective on your desired topic. We are looking for articles that offer fresh and unique perspectives.

Images and Media Are Worth it

Your featured image helps introduce readers to your articles and ideas. Take an image from anywhere on the web to help strengthen your piece. Unsplash is our recommended site for stock photography if you’re feeling a little lost on where to search.

Short Paragraphs are Preferable

You may have written a stellar academic article that you now want to share with the world. But it’s important to remember that the most successful news and blog articles are a bit different from academic papers. They tend to use shorter paragraphs to grab the audience’s attention. Try to distill your arguments and ideas into their most concise form. You’ll be guaranteed to get more clicks if you do.

Try to Make a Point with Each Sentence

Be sure to keep the focus of your article strong. Ask yourself as you’re editing: “does each sentence have a purpose that either advances my argument or adds factual evidence to help support my claim?”

Create a Bio for Your Profile

Readers love to know more about the writers they’re interacting with! Consider making a bio on your profile and adding your social media tags so readers have the chance to learn more about who you are and where you come from. Don’t just be a writer; be a member of the Greenly community.

Add Keywords

If you want your story to go viral, there are steps you can take to set yourself up for success. You should try to weave in keywords that will make your article rank higher in search results. Some of the keywords you should use include:

Global warming




Climate change



Environmental science

Environmental engineering

