Earth Day 2019

Media library
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2019

Our planet has the power to surprise you every day, and the surprises never stop. Every time you feel you have done it all, you have seen the most beautiful spot or photographed the most magnificent sunset there will be a new one ready to blow you away. The depth of its beauty is beyond imagination.

It protects us, so lets protect it…

We have gathered images from the most pristine locations in the world for you to enjoy.

Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation in Indonesia

Landscape North of Clyde River

Fog and Mountains and Humpback Whales in the Antarctic

Sea Lions near Hopkins Island in Australia

Intact Peatland Forest in Indonesia

Trees covered with snow and ice, Yukon River, Alaska

Addu Atoll in Southern Maldives

Landscape in the Savanna of Kenya

Close up of fungi on tree, Atlantic Forest, Camino do Itupava, Parana

Flamingos at Lake Natron, Rift Valley, Tanzania

Camels in the steppe of Mongolia

For more images from Greenpeace photographers around the world, follow Greenpeace International here on Medium, or our online library.

