This week in Greenpeace pictures

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3 min readJul 14, 2017

Every day, people from all over the world fight to ensure a green and peaceful future for our planet. From Germany to China, here’s a look at some of the top Greenpeace images this week.

Planet Earth First: G20 activities in Hamburg

Greenpeace wants to raise awareness on climate and energy as well as social inequality and democracy issues. Hamburg hosts the 2017 G20 Summit on July 7th and 8th
Two thirds of the sea and ocean water (half of the planet in absolute terms) are international waters in which, surprisingly, there is no regulation on the protection for the biodiversity. That is why, within the framework of the meeting on the oceans, from 10th to 21st of July hosted by the United Nations headquarters in New York, Greenpeace wants to underline the need to globally agree on a Treaty on the Oceans that promotes the creation of Marine Reserves, where the protection of the species that inhabit there is guaranteed. For this reason, Greenpeace has travelled to the Sea of Alboran (South East of the Spanish coast) onboard the Esperanza

SpongeBob SquarePants in London

Spongebob Squarepants at various London locations, defending the Amazon Reef from harmful drilling for oil

Stop bee-harming pesticides action in Budapest

Greenpeace Hungary held a photo opp in front of the Hungarian Ministry for Agriculture in Budapest to demand a full ban and no derogations on bee-harming pesticides. Greenpeace activists along with beekeepers stood next to beehive coffins. The joint demand of a wide coalition of Hungarian environmental NGOs was delivered to a representative of the ministry. a recent field research showed a 24% loss of worker bees in Hungary caused by clothianidin, a neonicontioid

China’s last remaining green peafowl habitat

In June 2017, Greenpeace East Asia uncovered illegal mining in the habitat of China’s last remaining green peafowl. The green peafowl’s population in China has fallen to less than 500, and it is listed as an IUCN Red List endangered species. The mine is located in the core zone of Konglong River Nature reserve in Shuangbai County, Yunnan Province. Outside the reserve, hydropower facilities and agriculture also threaten the green peafowl’s habitat

Greenpeace kids demand clean air protections at EPA in Washington

Greenpeace and a group of children activists gathered outside of the Environmental Protection Agency to demand Scott Pruitt and the Trump administration stop dismantling clean air and clean water regulations

Resist and Defend banner on Trump Tower in Chicago

Activists raise a ‘Resist and Defend’ message on the Trump International Hotel & Tower. The Trump Administration policies from healthcare to the environment will hurt people and threaten the most vulnerable among us. This administration sees the health of the planet as disposable and is using the power of its agencies to execute its vision

African trash mask artwork — Trash shouldn’t define our culture

This artwork is a series of print ads entitled ‘African Trash Masks’ which were created as an anti-littering and recycling campaign for Greenpeace Africa. The campaign was aligned with Greenpeace as part of their ongoing efforts to raise awareness for pollution and instigate positive change in this regard

Human chain against nuclear power in Belgium

Activists protest against the aging Tihange nuclear power plant in Belgium. Some 50,000 people form a human chain from Tihange via Liege and Maastricht to Aachen

TEPCO AGM in Japan 2017

TEPCO held its annual shareholders meeting on 23 June 2017. Greenpeace Japan activists protested outside the meeting with the message that TEPCO and Toshiba’s nuclear power leads to financial meltdown, wearing tyvek suits and masks of Mr. Takashi Kawamura, new chairman of TEPCO, Mr. Satoshi Tsunakawa, president of Toshiba, and Prime Minister Abe who strongly supports the nuclear power. Inside the shareholders meeting a Greenpeace Japan campaigner as a shareholder, questioned the executives on nuclear safety risks of the Kashiwazaki Kariwa reactors that they are trying to restart and their unrealistic business plan relying on these reactors

Greenpeace India’s solar energy awareness tour

Greenpeace India embarked upon a unique journey. In a drive to create awareness about the benefits of rooftop solar in the Capital, the organization flagged off Solar Comet — a unique house on wheels with solar panels fitted on the roof, that demonstrates how solar power can easily run an entire household

Iceberg breaks off Antarctic Peninsula Larsen C Ice Shelf

Responding to news that one of the largest icebergs ever recorded has broken off the Antarctic Peninsula’s Larsen C ice shelf, Paul Johnston, head of Greenpeace International’s Science Unit, said:
“The melting ice of Antarctica has always been recognised as a ‘canary in the coal-mine’ warning the world of the dangers of climate change. The collapse of this ice-shelf, the third collapse in this region in recent years, is possibly yet another signal of the global impact of climate change — and the imperative of implementing the Paris climate agreement, shifting to 100% renewable energy sources and leaving fossil fuels in the ground.”

And from the Archives…

Plutonium Shipment Action Los Alamos to Cadarache, October 2004
Organic Rice Art Documentation in Thailand
Trawling Documentation in the Pacific Ocean, June 2004

For more images from Greenpeace photographers around the world, follow Greenpeace International on Medium and our online library.

