This week in Greenpeace pictures

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3 min readJan 18, 2019

Every day, people from all over the world fight to ensure a green and peaceful future for our planet. From Germany to South Korea, here’s a look at some of the top Greenpeace images this week:

Illegal deforestation in Northern Argentina

Greenpeace activists in Chaco province, Argentina illustrate the connection between illegal deforestation and extreme weather events. Four people died and thousands were evacuated during record floods this week across northern Argentina. More than 54.000 hectares were illegally deforested in Chaco province in the last three years. The biggest drivers of illegal deforestation in the region are the expansion of soy and livestock production

Protest for phase-out of coal in Berlin

Climate activists demonstrate in front of the chancellery in Berlin. German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets with the Minister-Presidents of the federal states that produce lignite and the chairpersons of the coal commission to discuss the upcoming decision on a coal phase-out.
The environmental activists demand a coal phase-out by 2030 at the latest

Coalruption presidential candidates action in Jakarta

The NGOs coalition composed by Greenpeace, Auriga and JATAM (#BersihkanIndonesia), hold a theatrical act during an action in front of the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) office in Jakarta on Tuesday, 15 January 2019. They urge the presidential candidates to stop the political corruption in coal business that is practiced by their inner circle. The “Coalruption” practice by the political sector has made the coal business become more powerful than the government
A total of 51 container vans will be sent back to Korea, and is just part of the 6,500 tons of trash-filled container vans illegally sent by Verde Soko Philippines Industrial Corp to the Philippines last July and October 2018
Edeka, the biggest retailer in Germany gave in to our demand and introduced labeling for fresh meat products, an important step towards less and better meat!
Flotsam of container vessel MSC Zoe which lost around 270 containers of its cargo during a heavy storm, is reaching the coast of North Sea island Borkum
Pabuk is the first tropical storm outside of monsoon season to hit the country in 68 years. It brought heavy downpours, storm surges and landslides to some parts, causing injuries and impacting thousands of lives

Garbage landfill in South Korea

Considerable amount of unsorted recycled plastics end up in landfills

Plastic in a landfill in China

Greenpeace China conducted a field investigation in a landfill

Stop coal demonstration in Berlin

Several environmental organisations such as BUND, Campact, Klima Allianz, NABU, NaturFreunde, WWF and Greenpeace Germany called to join the two simultaneous anti-coal rallies in Berlin and Cologne: “Stop Coal-Protect the Climate Now”.
More than 36.000 people demonstrate for climate protection. They demand a quick commitment by the German government to phase out coal
Production of an eGolf at VW’s headquarters in Wolfsburg/Germany and traffic in Berlin
On 10th January 2019, Indian government offficially released India’s first ever National Clean Air Action Plan. Greenpeace India has campaigned on this for over 3 years along with a very strong clean air coalition in order to push for this plan. Although the plan is weak, it is a first step to hold the government accountable to their promises of clean air

And from the Archives…

Orcas in Kvaloya-Sound near Tromso in Norway, Dec 2015
Forest near Tapajós River in the Amazon Rainforest, Feb 2016
Orangutan Rescued in West Kalimantan, Sept 2015

For more images from Greenpeace photographers around the world, follow Greenpeace International on Medium and our online library.

