This week in Greenpeace pictures

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Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2017

Every day, people from all over the world fight to ensure a green and peaceful future for our planet. From the Philippines to Scotland, here’s a look at some of the top Greenpeace images this week.

Whale art installation in the Philippines

A massive whale is unveiled on the shores of Sea Side Beach Resort in Naic, Cavite, Luzon, Philippines.
The 15m x 3m blue whale, which looked to be in the late stages of decomposition, captured the attention of nearby communities and beachgoers.
As groups gathered to haul off the dead whale, they noticed that its entire body was made of plastic waste found in the ocean
Activists from Greenpeace Philippines blockade the gates of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) head office in Quezon City to protest the continued control of the Philippine government by big business interests, and as a failure of the current administration to stand by the reforms it is pursuing

Delivering the petition against Neonicotinoids in Slovakia

Greenpeace Slovakia together with Slovak beekeepers handed in the petition with 50,213 signatures against the neonicotinoids to the Ministry of Agriculture. The petition demanded that Slovakia supports the full ban of neonicotinoids on the EU level and that the Ministry of Agriculture redoes the National Action Plan so that it includes concrete and measurable goals of pesticide reduction

Group action day against plastics in cosmetics in Germany

Greenpeace volunteers are informing the public about the harmful plastic components in the examples of three different “Taft” hair products. Taft is a head brand of the German company Henkel. The campaign is taking place nationwide in 60 cities including Berlin, Essen and Munich

Protest against nuclear fuel rods from Germany

Greenpeace activists protest in front of nuclear fuel element production plant ANF (Areva) in Lingen. The environmental activists chain themselves with neck locks to the entrance gate and link their arms to yellow nuclear waste barrels. Greenpeace activists demand to stop delivery of nuclear fuel from Germany to outdated nuclear power plants in Europe, like Fessenheim in France and Thiange and Doel in Belgium

Doctors prescribe tougher government action on air pollution in UK

Doctors against Diesel present an unavoidably large prescription for tackling air pollution, which clearly recommends in foot-high messaging “ditch diesel”. Days ago, the government released its long-awaited plan to tackle illegal and unsafe levels of air pollution in the UK, which has been described as a public health emergency. Doctors against Diesel criticised the plan for lack of commitment to tackling air pollution from diesel vehicles

MV Beluga at Bass Rock in Scotland

The Beluga at Bass Rock at the start of the “End Oceans Plastics” campaign in Scotland

Action to save bees at Agriculture Ministry in Rome

Greenpeace activists dressed like working-bees on “strike” in front of the Agriculture Ministry, asking for a total ban of neonicotinoid pesticides

Brand attack on Coca-Cola in London

Coca-Cola produces 100 billion single use plastic bottles every year. Greenpeace are asking Coca-Cola to take responsibility for their role in ocean plastic pollution

Detox My Fashion — international fashion consumption survey

A new survey, commissioned by Greenpeace, of the shopping habits of people in Europe and Asia finds that regularly buying too many clothes, shoes, bags and accessories has become an international phenomenon

Poland action to stand with the bees

Greenpeace Poland together with heads of three biggest Polish beekeepers associations and Greenpeace activists delivered more than 61,474 signatures to the Ministry of Agriculture for a total ban of neonicotinoids in the EU

And from the archives…

Banner Defending Our Oceans in Mediterranean Sea, May 2007
Action against trawlers in the North Sea, May 2007
‘Clipper Hope’ Occupation in Brazil, May 2012: The activists are preventing the departure of the ship from the Amazon to the USA, where its cargo of pig iron will be used to make steel for the US car industry. Greenpeace is taking action to expose serious crimes in the production of Brazilian pig iron (an intermediate product in the steelmaking process) including slave labour, deforestation and the invasion of indigenous lands

For more images from Greenpeace photographers around the world, follow Greenpeace International on Medium and our online library.

