This week in Greenpeace pictures

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Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2019

Every day, people from all over the world fight to ensure a green and peaceful future for our planet. From Italy to Mexico, here’s a look at some of the top Greenpeace images this week:

Protest against President Bolsonaro in Jerusalem

On the occasion of President Bolsonaro’s visit to Jerusalem, Greenpeace volunteers have unfurled a gigantic banner opposite his hotel — calling on him to Stop Amazon Destruction. The volunteers abseiled from the old Ottoman city walls facing the King David Hotel, where President Bolsonaro and his entourage are staying, to hang the 140m2 banner
Greenpeace Italy joins and supports more than 400 students in a huge mass mobilization, in one of the most iconic places of Florence. After many months of pressure, with Greenpeace Italy support, the students pushed their school’s principal to ban the use of many single use plastic items used in the school (bottles, cups, snack bags, etc.) independently of the material (eg biodegradable and compostable plastic, paper). With this mass mob the students ask the Major of Florence to put in place a ban of disposable plastic in the whole city
Greenpeace activists in Brussels call on the European Parliament’s agriculture committee to vote to cut public funding for factory farms. Activists deployed a giant inflatable pig in a cage, other cages which the public could enter, and banners in several languages reading “Vote NO to factory farms”
Greenpeace activists place an installation showing a wave made with throw-away plastic waste in front of the Mexican Senate to demand a law that bans the use of single-use plastics and stops the tsunami with the contamination of this material that is drowning the planet
MY Esperanza sailing towards Tata Steel heavy industry near IJmuiden, the Netherlands, to support the campaign for a carbon tax in the Netherlands.
Greenpeace Netherlands invited science, industry and media representatives on board Esperanza to discuss proposals of Greenpeace and other environmental organisations about a fair and effective carbon tax
The people of La Union together with various NGOs staged a whole day Climate Action Parade to celebrate San Juan and Aringay recent declaration of becoming coal-free municipalities. During the parade, various groups including public and private senior high school and college students, senior citizens, entrepreneurs from the business sector, OFWs, farmers, fisherfolk, and religious groups congregated around the San Fernando City Plaza calling for the shift toward clean, renewable, and cheaper sources of energy
With a demonstration for more climate protection, thousands of students from all over Germany protest in Berlin during school time. Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, climate activist and face of the Fridays for Future movement leads the march through the city
The Irish rock band The Riptide Movement plays at the open boat event. Greenpeace activists walk with the plastic monster to Greenpeace ship Beluga II. Greenpeace protest against single use plastic waste with a huge artwork made of plastic waste from the Philippines. The walk is part of the Beluga II tour on the river Rhine. A large banner reads “Nestle no excuse. Stop single use”. Nestlé produces 1.7 million tonnes of plastic annually
A joint initiative between Greenpeace UK and Greenpeace Science Laboratory conducts the biggest ever survey of plastic pollution, including micro and macro plastics, in UK rivers, covering 12 rivers and 237 specific sample sites. The sites are focused around both politically important constituencies and plastic production facilities

Greenpeace Delegation At UN For Global Ocean Treaty negotiations in the US

Sandra Schoettner, a Greenpeace Oceans & Biodiversity Campaigner. A delegation of Greenpeace International representatives attend the second session of the Intergovernmental Conference on an international legally instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction

VICTORY! Bottom trawling in Norwegian Arctic

The formal regulation to protect 10 new vulnerable marine ecosystems and to limit the expansion of bottom trawling in the Norwegian Arctic is now formally in place — what used to be a voluntary industry commitment is now a new regulation enforced by Norwegian authorities

And from the Archives…

Diving Action on Heron Island, Dec 2013
Clear-cutting of Alberta Boreal Forest, Sept 2009
Southern Ocean Tour, Jan 2008

For more images from Greenpeace photographers around the world, follow Greenpeace International on Medium and our online library.

