This week in Greenpeace pictures

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3 min readJun 23, 2017

Every day, people from all over the world fight to ensure a green and peaceful future for our planet. From the UK to Africa, here’s a look at some of the top Greenpeace images this week

Protest against German coal politics in Hamburg

Greenpeace Germany staff protest in boats against the German Energy Politics in front of Civil 20 Summit in Hamburg. Greenpeace demands that Germany ends its reliance on coal to be able to meet limits set by the Paris Climate Agreement. Chancellor Merkel is attending the summit which is being held near Greenpeace Germany headquarters
On occasion of summer solstice, twenty Greenpeace activists have painted a gigantic 50-meter-wide sun in Barcelona’s Francesc Maciá square, in the heart of the city, to support renewable energies and demand access to clean energy for all citizens. The activists have used more than 2000 liters of ecological paint to trace a yellow sun surrounding the square
Greenpeace has brought its ship the Beluga II on an expedition of scientific research around Scotland, sampling seawater for microplastics and documenting the impact of ocean plastic on some of the UK’s most precious marine life
The first pilot floating photovoltaic system was built at Shek Pik reservoir in Hong Kong in February 2017. With an installed capacity of 100kW, it generates energy for the facility inside the reservoir
Greenpeace Group Action Day for G20 Summit along the Rhine promenade in Duesseldorf. Greenpeace presents its G20 campaign slogan “Planet Earth First” and offers the public the chance to create their own banners and signs for civil protests during the G20 summit in Hamburg beginning with the “Protestwelle” (“Protest Wave”) on July 2nd. The aim is to use people power to demand social justice, effective climate protection, fair world trade and stronger democracy worldwide of the world leaders

VICTORY!: Genetic engineering protest in Switzerland

On June 16th the Swiss parliament voted to extend the moratorium for GMO crops for another 4 years. This means that cultivation of genetically modified crops (other than for research at secure site) is forbidden in Switzerland until the end of 2021

Illegal logging of hardwood in DRC and its trading in China

Pterocarpus tinctorius, or Mukula tree, is a rare and slow-growing hardwood unique to southern and central Africa. Mukula has been illegally logged and traded from Zambia and DRC to China for the last decade, feeding the increasing demand of “rosewood” in the Chinese market.
Chinese photographer Lu Guang traveled to Katanga province in the DR Congo as well as eastern China documenting the expanding Mukula industry. The project, commissioned by Greenpeace, follows its supply chain from the DRC, where it’s used for traditional medicine, dye, and a source of pollen for bees used in honey production — to processing centers in China and upscale furniture showrooms

National park projection onto Johannisburg Castle in Aschaffenburg

Projection onto Johannisburg Castle for a national park in the Spessart Mountains, Bavaria.
Greenpeace activists stand up for the protection of old deciduous forests and project their message:” A National Park — The culmination for the Spessart Mountains”

Logging in Bialowieza Forest in Poland

Logging in Bialowieza forest, one of Europe’s last lowland natural forests

Nuclear power plant Fessenheim in France

Nuclear power plant Fessenheim in France

Reflecting Pool in Washington being Drained due to Parasites

Lincoln Memorial, the Reflecting Pool is slowly being drained due to a parasitic outbreak that has been reported to have killed several ducks

And from the Archives

Climate human banner action in South Africa, August 2009
First fin whales brought to land. The boat, Hvalur 9, is entering Hvalfjordur-fjord. The first fin whale that was cut was female and 18 meters long, June 2009
Burning Oil from Oil Rig Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, 24 Jun 2010

For more images from Greenpeace photographers around the world, follow Greenpeace International on Medium and our online library.

