Why I am defending this forest with my body and soul

Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2017
Logging in the Białowieża forest

I am writing this from Białowieża, an extremely beautiful forest between Poland and Belarus. It’s the very last remaining fragment of the ancient natural lowland forests in Europe. This forest once covered Europe. But it’s now almost entirely lost.

It is painful to see how this unique forest is being threatened by illegal logging.

Even though it’s cold and raining, even when we get removed violently by the guards — I am here to defend this forest with my body and soul.

© Grzegorz Broniatowski/Greenpeace

Last year, the Polish minister for the environment, Jan Szyszko, significantly increased logging in the forest. He tried to justify it by saying that it’s to prevent a bark beetle invasion. The Court of Justice of the European Union has ordered a ban on logging and the removal of trees and timber in the Białowieża Forest. But unfortunately, they’re still logging and removing trees. I am witnessing the crime with my own eyes.

This is the first time in the history of the EU that a member country has flatly refused to comply with an order from the European Court.

That is why I am standing here, alongside other peaceful activists. We are from 13 different European countries. We are Europe and we want to protect what is part of our heritage.

©Rafał Wojczal/Greenpeace

We will stay in the forest for as long our voices are heard.

On Monday the 11th of September there will be a hearing regarding the case in the European Court. We won’t stop resisting until the Polish government recognises the entire Białowieża forest as a National Park.

We have to preserve this unique and beautiful ecosystem. Białowieża has a place in our hearts. It is home to many rare species like the majestic bison — the biggest land animal in Europe — as well as lynxes, wolves and many endangered birds.

As long as this amazing ancient forest is in danger, we’ll be here to protect its rights and our rights as European citizens.

If you want to support the fight against illegal logging in Białowieża forest, please sign the petition.

Anna-Maria Renner is a Greenpeace activist




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