Wings of Paradise: Drawing attention to rainforest destruction

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3 min readSep 17, 2018

After ravaging the forests of Borneo and Sumatra, the palm oil industry has reached the final frontier, Papua.

Japanese artist Tsukasa Suzuki paints a Birds of Paradise mural at the Ryozan Park Sugamo community space in central Tokyo. © Greenpeace

For too long the story of Indonesian forests has been painted with the darkness of burning rainforests, disappearing species and displaced communities.

Greedy palm oil companies, that only seem to be driven by the bottom line whatever the cost to humanity or biodiversity, have played a major role in this.

Little or nothing is known about the beauty of the spectacular Birds of Paradise that call the forests of Papua home. So far, around 40 different species of these birds have been found, and they’re considered by some to be among the most beautiful creatures on earth.

Street artist Ano paints a mural depicting birds of paradise close to Taipei 101, in the centre of the city. © Greenpeace

After ravaging the forests of Borneo and Sumatra, the palm oil industry has reached the final frontier, Papua, home to these Birds of Paradise. Both the birds and the forest could be lost if we allow these companies to continue.

That’s why street artists and volunteers from all over the world, from Melbourne to Taipei and Vienna to LA, are taking matters into their own hands.

Their mission is simple — to re-create the essence of the extravagant, brightly coloured plumage, crazy courtship dances and bizarre behaviours of these birds in our cities through huge artworks on walls. To remind us of the constant threat to Indonesian wildlife, but also inspire us to act to protect it.

A beautiful bird of paradise enjoys the colourful sunset in Australia. Street artist Bonsai painted this mural in Geelong, Victoria. © Greenpeace / Andrea Marcus

It’s time for us to stand together for the future of Indonesian forests. Artists, students, bird enthusiasts or consumers buying palm oil products in supermarkets, we need to come together and act.

Street artist Urbanimal Jean pastes up images of Birds of Paradise in Bondy, France, to highlight deforestation in the Indonesian province of West Papua. © Emeric Fohlen/ Greenpeace
Artist Sokar Uno creates a mural of a bird of paradise on a wall in Tempelhof, Berlin. The event is part of the Wings of Paradise campaign, which calls attention to the beauty and vulnerability of the forests of West Papua. © Chris Grodotzki
Artist Vogue’s Wings of Paradise mural in Oakland, California, US. to draw attention to the devastating rainforest destruction at the hands of palm oil giants in Indonesia. © George Nikitin
Wings of Paradise mural by artist Ricky Lee Gordon on a building in Long Beach, California, US. © David McNew
Street Artist Sean Duffell paints a mural depicting birds of paradise in Wellington, New Zealand to highlight deforestation in the Indonesian province of West Papua. © Vanessa Rushton
Goldie’s Bird of Paradise pictured in mural by artist Matt Sewell in London, UK. © Kristian Buus

Join this massive movement!

Admire and get lost in the #WingsOfParadise artworks in your home city or on social media, or share your favourite piece with friends and start your own conversation about protecting the future of the forests and our planet.




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