Bloody Beet Burgers

A recipe by Matthew Prescott, US

About Matthew Prescott

Matthew Prescott is the author of the cookbook Food Is the Solution: What to Eat to Save the World. He’s an advisor to the Good Food Institute, Senior Director of Food & Agriculture for The Humane Society of the United States, and a leading figure in the global movement to reform how we farm and eat. His work has helped lead to sweeping changes in the supply chains of hundreds of major food companies and impacted countless individuals’ diets.He lives in Texas with his wife, the writer Lara Prescott.

What inspires you to eat less meat?

When I was 12, my sister came home from school one day and proclaimed herself a vegetarian. A vegetarian!? I’d never heard the word — let alone met one. Like any good little brother, I poked fun — sticking my steak in her face and making a moo’ing sound. But eventually, I learned the reasons for her decision — like the enormous environmental impact of livestock production. And in my teens, I adopted a meat-free diet as well. That set me on a path toward a lifetime of activism, working to save the world by helping people put more plants on our plates. Starting with burgers like this one! Beets are healthy, versatile, and full of iron. With a single (beef-based) burger emitting a whopping 6.8 pounds of carbon, these bloody beet burgers are lighter on the planet and oh-so-tasty!

Bloody Beet Burgers
Serves 4
Preparation and cooking time: 50 minutes


For the patties:
1 (15-oz) can green or black lentils, drained
1 large beet, peeled and shredded (about 2 C)
½ C fresh parsley, finely chopped
½ C walnuts, coarsely chopped
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
½ tsp liquid smoke
½ tsp soy sauce
¼ C tahini
¾ C instant oats
2 tbsp tomato paste
Squeeze of lemon juice
4 tbsp canola oil

To assemble:
4 buns
Your favorite burger condiments
A few pickles, sliced (optional)
Finely sliced red onion (optional)
1 tomato, sliced (optional)
1 avocado, sliced (optional)


Place the lentils, shredded beet, parsley, and walnuts in a large bowl. Add all the remaining patty ingredients — except the canola oil — and stir to combine well. Let sit for 30 minutes.

Form the mixture into four large balls. Flatten into patties and set aside on a plate or tray.

In a skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of the canola oil over medium heat. Cook the patties, two at a time, until golden brown, about 4 minutes per side, adding more oil as needed. (If cooking all four patties at once, use all 4 tablespoons oil.) Transfer to a paper towel–lined plate.

Build the burgers on buns with your favorite condiments and any of the optional toppings.

For more about Matthew Prescott, follow and connect with him on:

