Melanzane Bake

A recipe by Antonia De Luca, South Africa


About Chef Antonia De Luca

Antonia De Luca is a chef, author, foodie and entrepreneur. Antonia has travelled extensively, exploring different cuisines from around the globe. This has moulded her creative flair for food into signature, plant-based dishes.

Antonia grew up in a passionate Italian family on their organic farm in South Africa. Whilst studying for an MBA in Australia, Antonia made the conscious decision to adopt a holistic, healthy lifestyle. In 2010, Antonia opened a wholly plant-based establishment, Leafy Greens Cafe, on her family farm. The restaurant has become a popular gastro-destination serving hundreds of patrons each week and has won numerous food awards.

When not in the kitchen, Antonia loves to share her passion and knowledge of food and health through talks, seminars and workshops, enabling her to engage with people from all walks of life.

What inspires you to eat less meat?

At Leafy Greens, we love the Earth and all its inhabitants; leading a plant-based life is one of the ways we express this deep love. When we eat less meat, we reduce the harm done to the planet and her many children. We nurture instead of destroy, we grow instead of kill, and we cultivate love, health and abundance in our lives. A plant-based diet contributes to a stronger planet. And as the strength of the planet grows, so does our own.

Melanzane Bake


8 aubergines, large
½ C spelt flour
½ C olive oil
2 tbsp salt
1 C Napoli sauce (see below for recipe)
¾ C basil pesto (see below for recipe)
1 C vegan cheese (see below for recipe)


Peel the aubergines, slice them into 1cm thick pieces and lay them in a baking dish. Cover the aubergines with the salt and let them stand for an hour, rinse off the excess salt and water. This process dehydrates the aubergines to make the bake tastier and less watery.

Cover the wet aubergines with the spelt flour and pan-fry them in the hot olive oil until lightly golden. Place the aubergines on a kitchen towel and dab off the excess oil, set them aside.

In a medium sized baking tray, cover the base with a thin layer of Napoli sauce, then a layer of the fried aubergines, then another layer of Napoli sauce, then a layer of vegan cheese, then a thin layer of basil pesto, and then repeat the layers until all of the aubergines has been used.

Sprinkle some vegan cheese on top of the dish and bake in the oven for 8–10 minutes or until golden. Serve with fresh rocket.

Freezes well.

Napoli sauce:
9 C chopped tinned tomatoes
4 celery stalks, roughly chopped
1 onion, diced
2 carrots, diced
3/4 C olive oil
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tbsp oregano, dried
1 C basil leaves, fresh
1 tsp agave nectar
White pepper and salt to taste

Process all ingredients (except the tomatoes) in a food processor until finely chopped. Pan-fry until soft and golden. Add the tinned tomatoes and bring this mixture to a light boil. Mix well and remove from heat. Lasts up to 10 days in the fridge. Freezes well. Makes 9 Cups of Napoli Sauce.

Basil pesto:
1 C basil, fresh, stalks removed
1/4 C hemp seeds or cashew nuts
2 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove, peeled
1 tbsp lemon juice, fresh
1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
Salt to taste

Place all the ingredients together in a food processor and process until desired consistency is achieved. Store in a glass jar in the fridge, covered in olive oil. Freezes well. Makes 1 Cup.

Vegan cheese:
3 C cashews
2 C water
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1/8 red onion, peeled
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice, fresh
Salt to taste

Blend the ingredients together on high until smooth. Pour into jars and place in the fridge. Lasts up to 5 days in the fridge. Makes 4 cups of cheese. Freezes well.

For more about Chef Antonia De Luca, follow and connect with her on:
Instagram: Cafe insta Leafy Green Cafe Instagram:
Leafy Green Cafe Facebook:



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