Hiroko Tabuchi: SEAL Award Winner 2018

A selection of this year’s best environmental journalism

SEAL Awards
3 min readNov 12, 2018


For Pruitt Aides, The Boss’s Personal Life Was Part Of The Job

Senior staff members at the Environmental Protection Agency frequently felt pressured by Scott Pruitt, the agency’s administrator, to help in personal matters and obtain special favors for his family. Source: New York Times (Approx. 12 Minutes)

A Courtside View of Scott Pruitt’s Ties With a Billionaire Coal Baron

Scott Pruitt held numerous meetings with Joseph Craft III, a coal executive who has used his personal billions to fund an aggressive lobbying campaign against the Obama administration’s environmental crackdown on the coal industry. Source: New York Times (Approx. 15 Minutes)

Pruitt’s Coziness With Lobbyists Includes Buying A House With One

During his time as a state senator, Scott Pruitt bought a home in the Oklahoma City with a registered lobbyist who was pushing for changes to the state’s workers’ compensation rules — changes that Mr. Pruitt then championed in the legislature. Source: New York Times (Approx. 7 Minutes)

Scott Pruitt Before The EPA: Fancy Homes, A Shell Company And Friends With Money

During his tenure at the EPA, Scott Pruitt was investigated for unchecked spending, ethics lapses and his interactions with lobbyists. An examination of Mr. Pruitt’s political career as a state senator from Oklahoma reveals that many of the pitfalls he encountered in Washington have echoes in his past. Source: New York Times (Approx. 15 Minutes)

How The Koch Brothers Are Killing Public Transit Projects

All around the United States, the Koch brothers are fueling a fight against public transit, an offshoot of their longstanding national crusade for lower taxes and smaller government. Source: New York Times (Approx. 12 Minutes)

California Sues Trump Administration Over Car Emissions Rules

A coalition led by California sued the Trump administration over car emissions rules, escalating a revolt against a proposed rollback of fuel economy standards that threatens to split the country’s auto market. Source: New York Times (Approx. 5 Minutes)

From Dow’s ‘Dioxin Lawyer’ To Trump’s Choice To Run Superfund

Peter C. Wright, the lawyer nominated by President Trump to run the Superfund toxic cleanup program, spent 19 years on the legal team for Dow Chemical Corporation. During his tenure, Dow was accused of submitting disputed data, misrepresenting scientific evidence and delaying cleanup. The position in question would place Mr. Wright in charge of overseeing the emergency response to chemical spills and other hazardous releases nationwide. Source: New York Times (Approx. 12 Minutes)

How $225,000 Can Help Secure A Pollution Loophole At Trump’s EPA

A closer look at how a subsector of the trucking industry is taking advantage of a loophole in federal law that the Obama administration tried to close, and the Trump administration is now championing — with potentially grave consequences for public health. Source: New York Times (Approx. 15 Minutes)

Your must-read guide to environmental issues, published by the SEAL Awards (an environmental advocacy organization that hosts environmental journalism awards and business sustainability awards).



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SEAL - Sustainability, Environmental Achievement and Leadership Awards. We honor Eco and Sustainability leaders.