The GreenX WhitePaper

Stanley N
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2018
GreenX White Paper


GreenX is a blockchain ecosystem that enables individual and institutional investors to discover and invest in lucrative, low-risk renewable energy projects around the world. We aim to solve real-world problems through practical application of the block-chain, backed by a sophisticated business model. The GreenX whitepaper explains in details our visions and plans.

Green Energy Challenges

Despite having significant potentials, the green energy market currently faces multiple problems. Institutional investors, individual investors, and green energy developers all faces different challenges when participate in this market.

Green Energy Developers often find it difficult to raise funding for their project, especially if they come from lesser-developed financial markets. Renewable projects involve high investments in infrastructure and equipment and could cost several millions USD to hundreds of millions USD. Hence, developers are forced to run lengthy and costly fundraising campaigns. Even when funding is available, there are usually several large investors who, through high negotiation powers, enforcing unfavorable economic terms to the developers.

Institutional Investors involved with green energy development often find themselves having large exposure to one or few mega-projects. Many fund managers have mandate regarding cash liquidity and cannot participate in renewable projects because of the lengthy development timeline. For green energy focused funds, deal origination is a problem because of the high overhead of having multiple origination team. As the results, these funds are confined to the geographic location of their offices.

Individual Investors could foster renewable investments by bringing in collectively large pools of capital. However, most of them are not yet able to participate in this market. The sheer size of renewable projects makes it unpractical for individual investors to participate directly. Most green energy funds also have minimal contribution, sometimes as high as $100,000, leaving out most individual investors. Furthermore, individual investors do not have resources to conduct proper due diligence and are exposed to unnecessary risks.

GREENX Solutions

To rectify the challenges mentioned above, Green X’s mission is to build an ecosystem that consists of two global marketplaces — the GreenX Capital Market and the GreenX Global Exchange. The GreenX Capital Market is a crowd-funding platform built on blockchain technology, while the GreenX Global Exchange is a global energy investment marketplace that operates globally and 24/7.

The GreenX Ecosystem


The GreenX ecosystem provides unparalleled benefits for both developers and investors:

GreenX’s Advantages


We have a development road map that we will try to adhere to. The timeline is shown below:


GreenX is a practical application of the blockchain, backed by a strong business model and carried out by a capable team. Our full Whitepaper is available at

Pre-sales will start at the beginning of May 2018. Join us HERE to the be a part of the green energy revolution!

Have any enquiries? Join us on our social media platforms: Telegram; Medium;Facebook; Twitter; GitHub; GreenX’s homepage

