GreenX team has released the prototypes of GreenX platform on the landing page https://greenx.network even though the ICO is just in phase 3.

Teresa D
3 min readJul 17, 2018


We believe this information shall reinforce the confidence of investors who are interested in both GreenX and green energy sector.

As shown on whitepaper, GreenX focuses on building decentralized applications on top of blockchain platforms. GreenX ’s ecosystem consists of two global marketplaces: The GreenX Capital Market and the GreenX Global Exchange. The GreenX Capital Market is a crowdfunding platform built on blockchain technology, while the GreenX Global Exchange is a global energy.

The U.I of GreenX platform in reality is responsive and friendly that helps project developers and investors easy to list their projects or trade token on exchange.

This platform has 04 main sections including project listing, project details, investment portfolio and decentralized exchange:

Project Listing

· Dynamic listing page.

· Project are shown with current progress and key information.

· Investors can easily browse projects based on different criteria.

Project Details

· Each project is analyzed thoroughly by the GreenX due diligence team.

· The Due Diligence report identifies all key risks and upside potentials.

· GreenX provides on-site visit photos and videos of the project, as well as all other relevant documents.

· The Due Diligence report is complimented by the A.I. Risk Report.

· Investors can easily contribute by sending GEX tokens to the project address.

· Investments are locked by smart contracts.

Investment Portfolio

· Intuitive investment dashboard.

· Investment performance are easily tracked and analyzed.

Decentralized Exchange

· GreenX provides a decentralized exchange for project certificates.

· Investor can easily trade out of positions to convert their investments back to GreenX tokens.

· Transactions are done through a decentralized network.

GreenX team work tirelessly to complete more features to the platform. We are planning to release the 1st version of this platform very soon. You can check out more news about us on our official Telegram group or through our media outlets

In addition, GreenX is scheduled to be listed on Exrates.me and IDCM within few weeks after ICO finishes. Last chance for investors to join GreenX ICO phase 3 with the low price until July 31st. The more you hold GEX token, the more you earn in future.

Join us here!

