The green revolution in vertical dimension

Soldier Blues
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2018

When we say Green revolution what comes to mind? the prairies of North America? That is what is seen as horizontal vast mass of land in green colour. Now imagine (metaphorically speaking) the same through the sky & that is what new technology is helping us do in vertical farming. When we look to the future there are lot of challenges expected. The population growth, urbanisation, per capita density of population, the impact of huge developments of real estate & the ever discerning urban consumer. Blockchain, IOT & bio-technology together will change the game for a better lifestyle & healthy living. These are some of the areas, businesses are focussing on to bring in collaboration & community diversification in a sustainable eco-system. Greeox containers business is a result of some innovative forward thinking ideas that has been developed keeping this in mind.

There has been different types of revolutions in the history of mankind. Broadly they all formed as a branch of the first Industrial revolution but after the 2nd world war lot of countries suffered due to lack of essentials. As countries engaged in re-building the nation, food self-sufficiency was a key imperative & perhaps the first & foremost need for every nation. In India they also had something that was coined the white revolution (mass scale dairy farming), Circa: 1946, thanks to a visionary Mr. Verghese Kurien. When revolutions happens there are many by-product applications that emerge. The economic model used was termed as the co-operative movement & the white revolution showcased the best example of egalitarian system for a nation bursting to break through the clutches of economic slavery. It redefined the social framework for a more equitable future. The cooperative movement really captured the imagination of various businesses that emerged since then. The justification of owing 10% of a US$ 100 m Co. vis — a — vis 100% of a US$ 10 m Company was a significant shift in the distribution of wealth that emerged from the Knowledge based economy. This is how stock option become a became a big carrot for hiring talent & retaining them in the ensuing IT revolution. Greeox container in this example is essentially a parallel of the cooperative movement that transcends borders & is foreseen to create a world community. A world community of diverse ecosystems owned independently by diverse people residing in as far off places like Tasmania & St. John’s (NL) Canada working together to grow greens & herbs that each other would not have had access to otherwise in their immediate vicinity.

Building a new community of global farmers through the Greeox containers. The containers are called ‘Grobinn’

