13 Tips that every social media managers should follow to succeed !

Being an awesome social media manager doesn’t happen overnight. Here are some tips that can help you become a better one.

1. Know your audience profile. The more you know your audience, the easier it’ll be to connect with them.

2. Invest in social media marketing tools. If you can’t afford them yet, check out free online tools that are also as effective.

3. Analyze past contents to improve your posts. Check the top-performing content. Doing this will give you a deep insight about what your audience likes to see often.

4. Every social media platform requires a different approach and type of content.Because of this, creating a plan for each social media channel is a must. Take note of the content that works best on every site. Don’t forget to determine the best time to post on every social media site.

5. Post consistently. Your followers are likely following hundreds of other people or pages. If you don’t post new content regularly, your audience will forget you.

6. Learn the power of hashtags. When used right, hashtags can boost your brand. Remember to use a simple and easy to remember hashtag.

7. Build a Facebook page that will delight your audience. Post useful content that will educate, entertain and inspire them.

8. Learn where your target audience hangs out. It’s wiser to exert your efforts on one platform instead of spreading yourself too thin.

9. Keep up to date with trends and adapting to them will help in attracting audiences. A great example of this trend is asking your followers to share or tag their friends in a post. This helps share your message and also extends your reach to larger audiences.

10. Take part in community discussions. You’ll also have the chance to connect with your supporters. Share your thoughts and also get ideas from experts and influencers in the groups.

11. If there are no existing communities for your field, don’t be afraid to build one.

12. Interact. Don’t be that page that only posts links and pictures every day. Engage with your followers. If they have concerns or feedback, make sure to answer them as soon as possible.

13. Watch your competitors. Take note of the content they post, how often they post, and who’s following them. This will give you an idea of what the audience wants to see in their feeds.

The full version of this article was first published here on NextStepHub.com

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Greg Prudhommeaux
NextStep Hub for Entrepreneurs in Asia

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