Best Tools and Apps for Social Media Managers

There are loads of available tools that can make social media management easier. Here are some of the must-have tools.


1. Hootsuite — Enables you to post, track, and grow your brand on different social media platforms. It helps you review what your audience say about your products, services, and brand. Because of this, you can optimize your content to make sure it suits your followers.

2. SproutSocial — . With the help of their features, you can connect with your audience to resolve issues and create brand advocates.

3. Crowdbooster — Gives you important analytics for your social media profiles such as the number of likes, comments, shares, retweets, and replies. This app gives you an insight on the best time to post your content on social media.

4. Tailwind — The official partner for Pinterest marketing. If your brand is on Pinterest, this app is best for you. It lets you schedule pins and gives you a detailed report for your published content’s effectiveness. You can use this for Instagram, too.

5. Tweetdeck — Great for getting new leads on Twitter. By using Tweetdeck, you can search and track events, topics, and hashtags. Managing many accounts and posting updates is also possible in this app.

6. Buffer — The pioneer of social media publishing. It allows you to schedule content across social media sites without having to post them one by one. It covers all social media networks except Instagram.

The full version of this article was first published here on

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Greg Prudhommeaux
NextStep Hub for Entrepreneurs in Asia

NextStep Studio supports selected entrepreneurs in Food, F&B and Food Tech, pursuing growth in China by offering hands-on support to founders.