Here are Ten of the Best Co-Working Spaces in Asia

In Asia, co-working offices provide the ultimate comfort for digital nomads.

[This articles was first published on]

Asia has become a hub for travelers and digital nomads. Home to breathtaking beaches, good food, and great people, it’s easy to see why.

It also offers outstanding co-working spaces, especially for digital nomads. With their lifestyle, it is comforting to know they can always have a place to work and mingle at the same time.

Here are the top best co-working spaces that you can visit in Asia.

HuBud, Bali, Indonesia

HuBud hosts up to 375 skill-sharing, talk networking and think thank sessions every year.

Situated in Ubud, Bali, HuBud’s open-plan is a bamboo-decorated co-working space. The view of the rice field and monkeys playing on the roof will take you closer to nature.

HuBud, Bali, Indonesia

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Skype room, Library

Rates: 17 USD/day, 187 USD/month

KoHub, Koh Lanta, Thailand

Located on the island of Koh Lanta, KoHub is a digital nomad’s paradise.

Authentic Thai food can be ordered straight to your desk with their unique online ordering system. They also hold frequent communal lunches so members can meet new friends. All this while you’re working on the beach front.

KoHub, Koh Lanta, Thailand

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Skype room, Co-living accommodation

Rates: 11 USD/day, 173 USD/month

Hive Arena, Seoul, South Korea

Technology is one of the reasons why Hive Arena keeps attracting digital nomads. Equipped with prototyping gadgets, their workspace is a favorite among start-ups. Members also get free flowing beer! Aside from the bright working space, Hive Arena also hosts tech-focused events.

Hive Arena, Seoul, South Korea

Amenities: High-speed internet, Lounge, 3D printer, Free beer

Rates: 13 USD/day, 220 USD/month

DreamPlex, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Dreamplex plays an important role in the startup community in Vietnam. President Obama even visited DreamPlex in 2016. According to him, “It is not only a home for digital entrepreneurs. It is also a place where you can share ideas and work together and build a community that supports each other.”

DreamPlex, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Kitchen, Free beer

Rates: 6 USD/day, 88 USD/month

BeacHub, Koh Phangan, Thailand

BeacHub is the world’s first full-service beachfront co-working space on the island of Koh Phangan. They offer professional-grade facilities and a global community. You can connect and expand your network while breathing in the cool ocean breeze.

BeacHub, Koh Phangan, Thailand

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Ergonomic chairs, Co-living accommodation

Rates: 17 USD/day, 187 USD/month

Punspace, Thailand

Punspace has two co-working spaces in Thailand.

The office in Nimman is close to many popular coffee shops, pubs, restaurants and convenience stores. The Tha Phae Gate is close to many cultural landmarks. A single membership fee gives you access to both branches.

Punspace, Thailand

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Kitchen, Ergonomic chairs

Rates: 6 USD/day, 101 USD/month

Ministry of New, Mumbai, India

Ministry of New believes that design should support, not impose. Their workspace is perfect for digital nomads in search for a bit of calmness and relaxation. Members will feel inspired and focused in their 2400 square feet workspace.

Ministry of New, Mumbai, India

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Skype room, Sound/video recording equipment

Rates: 18 USD/day, 300 USD/month

Impact Hub, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Situated in the heart of Phnom Penh, Impact Hub boasts a stylish, comfortable and inspiring co-working space. Their recent project called Cellcard Changemakers is aimed to instill confidence in youth from 8 universities around Phnom Penh. Youths are invited to consider themselves as leaders that can create positive change.

Impact Hub, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Skype room, Library

Rates: 10 USD/day, 60 USD/month

Naked Hub, Shanghai, China

Naked Hub gives easy access to different areas in Shanghai from dining to entertainment. Members can easily book a variety of courses and leisure activities through their mobile app. Spinning, pilates, meditation and even massage sessions can be booked.

Naked Hub, Shanghai, China

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Ergonomic chairs

Rates: 260 USD/month

The Working Capitol, Singapore

This hybrid space gets natural light and gives it a sense of fresh energy. The Working Capitol is in the heart of Chinatown which makes it accessible to a lot of areas. Being a member gives you special access and discounts at local restaurants and boutique hotels.

The Working Capitol, Singapore

Amenities: High-speed wifi, Lounge, Kitchen, Video recording equipment

Rates: 42 USD/day, 463 USD/month

Have you been to any of these co-working spaces?

Share your experience with us in the comments.

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Greg Prudhommeaux
NextStep Hub for Entrepreneurs in Asia

NextStep Studio supports selected entrepreneurs in Food, F&B and Food Tech, pursuing growth in China by offering hands-on support to founders.