How to Increase your Audience Reach with NextStep Hub Today

What a week!

It’s only been a week ago since we’ve launched and we have received some amazing feedback already!

Now, we need to do more!

In our mission of helping every entrepreneurs, we have launched this new business platform to help you reach out to your audience. That’s why we decided to let entrepreneurs get access to columns, categories and topics of to share their knowledge and expertise.

Let be a platform where you can share your articles just like you do with ‘’ (but with proofreading services).

We want you!

Share your content with us and grow your reach to the audiences in China and the world!

We Want You to be part of it !

We will accept texts, videos and audio recording as long as they are:

  • business related
  • in English
  • China focus (but we can be flexible on that point)

We are looking for companies and experts who would like to share their expertise about management, start-Up, investment, freelancing, digital nomadism, application, entrepreneurship and new trends happening in China,…

You can share your content in two ways:

  1. If you already produce and share content on a regular basis, great! We can help you spread it quickly!
  2. If you don’t have anything, it’s ok! we can help you with that too.

You can reach out to to understand how we can get started and give you the exposure you deserve.

Oh, yes, the best thing about it is that we are doing this for free!

Yes, Free !

So what do you get for sharing your content with us?

  • You get to increase your brand awareness and exposure to larger audiences
  • Learn from our very own archive of original content
  • Get high quality curated content from our weekly newsletter, Five Tips Tuesday
  • Drive traffic to your website and social media profiles
  • Improve your writing skills

All this and more when you share with us!

What are you waiting for?

Contact us now at and let’s work it out!

Join the movement!

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Originally published at NextStep Hub.



Greg Prudhommeaux
NextStep Hub for Entrepreneurs in Asia

NextStep Studio supports selected entrepreneurs in Food, F&B and Food Tech, pursuing growth in China by offering hands-on support to founders.