Free Video Resources On Stoic Philosophy and Practice

Gregory Sadler
Gregory B. Sadler, Ph.D.
7 min readJan 5, 2022


here are curated lists of videos on key Stoic texts, thinkers, and topics

Since 2002, I have been teaching about Stoicism, at first just with students in my academic courses, then later on reaching a much wider range of people interested in Stoic philosophy and practice. In recent years, I have developed and published a variety of online resources focused on Stoic thinkers, texts, and topics.

People ask me about or for these rather frequently, so I thought it might be good to assemble and curate at least some of them in one place. That’s what I’m doing here with the videos I’ve produced. I’ll add additional videos here as I shoot and release them (the next ones will be on Seneca).

If you’re looking for some guidance or pointers about how to start studying Stoic philosophy on your own, you could start with this video

If not, scroll down, check out the sets of videos, and enjoy!

Videos of Stoicon and Stoicon-X Presentations



Gregory Sadler
Gregory B. Sadler, Ph.D.

president ReasonIO | editor Stoicism Today | speaker philosophical counselor & consultant | YouTube philosophy guy | co-host Wisdom for Life | teaches at MIAD