The Half Hour Hegel Series

curated links to every commentary video published so far

Gregory Sadler
Gregory B. Sadler, Ph.D.
11 min readMar 5, 2022


G.W.F. Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is considered to be one of the more difficult works of philosophy. The Half Hour Hegel commentary series is a set of videos I have created intended to help people more readily — and steadily — make progress in studying the Phenomenology.

Each lecture focuses closely on one to four paragraphs of the work, and goes through it line-by-line. I have been working on the series for eight years, and have produced several hundred commentary videos.

You’ll find all of the videos that have been released so far here listed below. Each of them is located in the relevant section of the Phenomenology. I hope that you find them useful for studying Hegel’s work.

If you’d like to support the ongoing work of the project, consider becoming a Patreon supporter.

The Preface

31 video lectures, covering paragraphs 1–72



Gregory Sadler
Gregory B. Sadler, Ph.D.

president ReasonIO | editor Stoicism Today | speaker philosophical counselor & consultant | YouTube philosophy guy | co-host Wisdom for Life | teaches at MIAD