Wisdom For Life Radio Show Episodes

Over 80 episodes of our practical philosophy show you can listen to or watch!

Gregory Sadler
Gregory B. Sadler, Ph.D.


The Wisdom for Life radio show started in February 2020, hosted on our local community radio station here in Milwaukee, Riverwest Radio, WXRW 104.1 FM. The focus of the show is practical philosophy, and applications of philosophy to everyday life, so we range over a wide number of topics — as you’ll see when you scroll down!

It was about time to create a curated list of the show episodes, along with links to where you can listen to them in podcast form, or even watch the video of Dan and I recording the show (occasionally with guests). So that is what I have done here. As we air new episodes, I’ll add them to the episode list below.

Before that, I’d like to write just a few words about the history of the show. My co-host Dan Hayes and I had been discussing the idea of producing something like a podcast dealing with practical philosophy, and Stoicism in particular, for some time — we are both co-organizers of the Milwaukee Stoic Fellowship. And since I had gone on as a guest on a number of their host’s shows, the station manager at Riverwest Radio had been asking me if I had any interest in producing a regular show myself. So, Dan and I put our heads together, came up with a concept, attended the required…



Gregory Sadler
Gregory B. Sadler, Ph.D.

president ReasonIO | editor Stoicism Today | speaker philosophical counselor & consultant | YouTube philosophy guy | co-host Wisdom for Life | teaches at MIAD