Computas på Booster 2019-konferansen

Computas AS
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2019


I forrige uke bidro 5 Computas-ansatte på Booster 2019-konferansen ved å holde foredrag og workshops.

JSR 385: Learning from the 125 Million Dollar Mars Climate Orbiter Mistake.

Filip van Laenen (kort workshop på engelsk)

Filip van Laenen holdt workshopen JSR 385: Learning from the 125 Million Dollar Mars Climate Orbiter Mistake. Les mer om den her!

Elin Langholm, David Skålid Amundsen, Mads Opheim og Anne Landro holdt lyntaler og foredrag som alle ble filmet. De kommende dagene vil vi dele videoene fra foredragene, og den første kommer nå.

Domain driven design in the real world

Mads Opheim og Anne Landro (30 minutters foredrag på engelsk)

We dreamed about using Domain driven design, but were stuck in the complex legacy monolith of a case management system. While all examples and tutorials we found were for trivial domains, we had a lot of domain logic as well as years of inherited corner cases and brain overloads camouflaged as code. That obviously didn’t stop us from giving DDD a try.

We have tried DDD in a real world legacy monolith and survived. Now we’re here to tell the tale.

In this talk, we share our own experiences from using DDD inside a monolith, as well as lack of DDD, and you will learn to avoid the mistakes we made and how to repeat our success factors.

How do you use DDD in your highly complex legacy project? How do you even get started? We’ll help you!



Computas AS

IT solutions provider based in Norway. Knowledge sharing is important in our culture and we work closely with customers to make the best solutions.