Grepsr’s 2021 — A Year in Review

Asmit Joshi
Grepsr Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2022

Our growth and achievements of the past year, and reasons to get excited in 2022

Grepsr 2021 review

As another year comes to a close, and life goes back to some kind of normalcy around the world, everyone at Grepsr would like to wish our readers the very best of health, success and happiness in 2022!

Although not as bad as 2020, last year was still challenging with the pandemic continuing to impact lives everywhere. We remain grateful for everyone’s support throughout 2021, and look forward to the new year with renewed hope and enthusiasm.

Industries capitalize on repressed consumer demands

As countries began gradually opening up after the tumultuous year before, consumers spending on online purchases was projected to increase almost 18% in 2021.

Like in 2020, we were able to take advantage of the ecommerce boom and continue our strong partnerships in the industry. This meant that Grepsr was coveted for more retail and E-commerce data requests than ever before.

Furthermore, as countries and borders opened, the second half of the year saw a boom in travel, both locally and internationally. Consequently, there were huge demands for travel data, including ticketing, hotels and accommodations, packages, and more.

The demand for data, however, was not limited to just the retail and travel industries. Here at Grepsr, we observed a rise across all major market sectors.

Continued scaling of our data extraction capabilities

In keeping with the rise in demand for quality data across industries, we were able to achieve considerable growth figures in 2022.

Further team expansion

Our team of specialists and engineers is core to our data extraction service. And as such, we scaled our workforce by 75% in 2021 to ensure we met our customers’ growing demands for web and alternative data.

With such a talented and diverse team, we’re sure we’ll scale even greater heights this year.

Increased data access for our customers

As the demand for data and our team continues to grow, we were able to achieve new milestones in our data extraction and delivery capabilities.

Compared to 2020, we saw a massive 105% rise in the number of records we collected over the last year. In addition, we now support more delivery channels, meaning more seamless data integration to our clients’ filesystems.

Growth in data access
Year on year, we continue to scale our data extraction capabilities

We’re grateful to our customers — both new and regular — for continuing to trust us to fulfil their data needs.

Our goals for 2022

After a successful 2021, we expect the demand for quality data to increase even further this year. And we’re confident that we’re fully equipped and prepared for this eventuality.

Leveraging our experience

As a DaaS provider, we’ve been in the data acquisition service sphere for more than ten years. One of our aims for 2022 is to use this experience and expertise to spread our knowledge, and provide consultation services to data-driven enterprises.

We want companies and executives to understand the potential of data, and how it can be leveraged to extract maximum benefits, and improve KPIs. By simplifying our customers’ access to web data, we believe we can contribute enormously to achieving our respective ambitions, and be parts of each other’s successes.

More investment in resources

As we scale our services and resources, we intend to continue investing further in our teams and platforms.

To that end, we’re always on the lookout for talented individuals to enrich the various departments, and improve the quality of our products and services.

We want to facilitate and simplify our clients’ access to more data than ever before, and help bigger teams achieve all of their data goals.

More resources on everything data

In 2022 we plan to explore new avenues to get closer to our prospects as well as customers. In addition to our usual content repositories such as blogs, case studies, newsletters, etc., we have plans to conduct periodic webinars, where we showcase our data management platform and its features, as well as give an overview of the kinds of insights that users can gather from our datasets.

Having said that, we’re always open to new ideas. For any feedback or technical pain points, please feel free to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you!

Once again, we’d like to express our sincere gratitude to all of our regular as well as first-time customers, without whom none of our achievements would have been possible. We look forward to continuing our partnership, and playing a part in each other’s success in 2022 and beyond.

2022 first sunrise
To new beginnings — the first sunrise of 2022



Asmit Joshi
Grepsr Blog

Java Developer. New to Python & Blogging. Sports Freak. Always Learning.