3 Most Successful Ways to Expand Your Email List Using Blogging

Janessa Tran
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2021
3 Most Successful Ways to Expand Your Email List Using Blogging

There is nothing more practical than using Blogging to expand your email list or your email database. Email marketing still remains one of the best promotion channels for almost any type of online business: a blog, an e-commerce store, or a membership website. Although there are plenty of other resources such as Instagram, snap storms, Livestream, and Facebook that can contribute considerable subscribers. Yet, they can’t beat a good piece of content on your blog.

The reason behind blogging success rate is that, unlike Facebook and Instagram stories, they do not disappear after 24 hours, and people can access them whenever they like to see them. Research says that Blogging can bring 67% more leads to your business. Blogging helps you in establishing yourself as an authority in the market, where you can build trust with your audience and get more leads for your business.

My focus is to show you how Blogging can bring about more subscribers to your business and contribute to potential customers on a long-term basis.

Let me show you how exactly you can turn your readers into subscribers through Blogging.

Display Opt-in Forms on Multiple Locations on Your Website

Before anything else, let me clarify that people will not subscribe to your email list until they don’t find it explicitly on your website.

Most businesses mistake placing their newsletter at the Footer section of their webpage where it’s not reasonably visible. Or they add a link at the end of each blog without keeping in view that blogs are a huge compile of content, and a single link at the bottom of the blog won’t work and might get unnoticed.

Therefore, we highly recommend placing the newsletter joining opportunities at multiple locations throughout your blog design.

There are multiple ways to weave newsletter joining opportunities to your prospective users. You can put these at opt-in points at different places where people could enter their email addresses or create a Call to action having links to the signup page. Thankfully, there are a lot of email marketing providers that can help you do that without having to pay for a developer who provides customization services.

Where can you leverage these opt-in points? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Use your website’s Header or Footer section
  • Create a dedicated signup page
  • Display it along the sidebar of your blog
  • Include it within the body of the blog
  • At the end of each blog post
  • Display it as a slider
  • Use a pop-up box whenever a new visitor comes to your site

Let me show you some live examples of how you can place newsletter opt-in points on your site.

The wpbeginner.com has placed the newsletter joining at their sidebar, where the new visitor will click, and a signup form will appear.

The wpbeginner.com has placed the newsletter joining at their sidebar, where the new visitor will click, and a signup form will appear.

A signup form of wpbeginner.com will appear and users can sign up.

Check Coschedule.com, and they use a graphic within their blog and a pop-up to get their newsletter option notified.

Coschedule.com use a graphic within their blog and a pop-up to get their newsletter option notified.

They have again placed it at the bottom of their blog, so even if it goes unnoticed in the first place, viewers could find it at another place. In this way, people will have another chance to join the newsletter.

Create Enticing Lead Magnets

We cannot ignore the role of a lead magnet when talking about email list building. Lead Magnet is an enticing offer to your audience that attracts them like a magnet. You should give them a solid reason why they should sign up for your newsletter. Also, you should be crystal clear about what offers you will give to your audience from the start.

Without an enticing lead magnet, your “signup for our newsletter” call might sound monotonous. People might think, why on earth should they join your newsletter, and what hidden benefits will they get from you?

Therefore, provide them some sound reasons to sign up.

Check the TechRadar.com website, where they promise to give exciting offers to their customers

Check the TechRadar.com website, where they promise to give exciting offers to their customers

Have a look at how pinchofyum.com has given a cookbook of top 25 recipes to their new signups. It’s truly an irresistible eye-catching offer for any food lover.

pinchofyum.com has given a cookbook of top 25 recipes to their new signups.

As a fully recognized food blog, their opinions are trusted by many. Therefore, this offer will convert the audience into a subscriber.

It’s most important to create an offer that’s enticing to your audience. If you aren’t clear about what type of content you should be making for your newsletters, check here for some content ideas for your email newsletter.

Create a Call to action that stands out

In the long run, you can win more customers if your Call to action is precisely designed keeping in view your audience preferences. Your Call-to-action must go along with the audience’s choice.

Most importantly, the call-to-action should be interesting enough to stand out and instantly grab the attention of your customers. It should stand out from your blog’s design but still goes along with the website’s design.

Another supreme rule to make an enticing Call to action is the copy that describes your offer. It should be loud and clear with compelling content that instantly grabs readers’ attention.

Email List Builder is really helpful in creating customized Call- to -action for your website. You can easily customize color, size, and text according to your brand’s theme and make your readers click right away with appealing designs.

Grow your business- Grow your Email list first

An email has never been outdated, even though new platforms are introduced to the marketing solutions.

Building a profound Email list can lift your marketing strategy manifolds. Besides just sending news and new product launches, you can send emails to engage your audience with new tips and techniques they might be interested in knowing.

Keep an eye on Quora, Reddit, and LinkedIn answers where your prospective audience will be asking questions related to your business. Answering these questions will help you gain more audience and establish you as a trustable authority in your niche.

You can also conduct surveys or contests to know what your audience is looking for, and you can create content accordingly.

Also, you can increase traffic to your website when sending emails to your audience that new content is out. So, don’t hesitate to invest in a good Email list-building tool to grow your audience and promote your business.

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The publication at GretaThemes.

