The Gretel Epoch #4

Will Jennings Engineering and Data Science
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

Welcome, friends –

Here’s what’s new in privacy engineering, product, content, and community from Gretel!

Gretel Launches General Availability!

  • Gretel goes GA with a comprehensive privacy engineering developer stack. 🚀 Privacy dev tools available anywhere you need them, so you can create safe data everywhere.
  • Why is this headline news? From a Gretel user, “data is more valuable when it can be shared.” One of the biggest bottlenecks to innovation that developers and data scientists face today is getting access to data, or creating the data that’s needed to test an idea or build a new feature. This is where synthetic data comes in.
  • Along with our launch, we updated our product pages with the latest features. Check out our core APIs — Classify, Transform and Synthesize — which have dedicated pages and videos to help you get started — in just a few clicks!

Sound Bites

  • Software Engineering Daily Podcast“We view synthetic data, we view privacy-enhancing technologies as a potential real enabler for innovation and building products faster rather than something that creates a roadblock that you have to go through.” — Gretel co-founder and CPO Alex Watson
  • Stack Overflow Podcast“What our synthetic data capability does is goes in and builds a machine learning model on the original data, at which point you can throw out the original data. And then you can use that model to create records that look and feel like the original records. And then we have a bunch of post-processing that removes outliers or overly similar records, and what we call privacy filtering. So it’s kind of like the easy button, although it’s not so easy. But we want to make it easy for the developers to use.” — Gretel co-founder and CTO John Myers.
  • Politico’s AI Decoded — “By using anonymized synthetic data, developers will be able to design privacy in their systems and create “a safe harbor for their data.” — Gretel co-founder and CEO Ali Golshan.

ICYMI — Deep Dives with Gretel Applied Scientists and Engineers

That’s it for this edition. As always, you can support Gretel by starring us on GitHub, following us on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn, or connecting with us directly, either through our Slack community or by email at


Team Gretel

