The Gretel Epoch #9

Will Jennings Engineering and Data Science
2 min readOct 27, 2022

Hi folks, welcome to the 9th edition of the Gretel Epoch. I’m excited to share some of our team’s recent learnings, product developments, and community news. Let’s dive in.

What We’ve Been Building

It’s been a busy month at Gretel. We recently launched two new models: a GAN for synthesizing time-series data, and a statistical model for generating large volumes of tabular data in a flash.

We also continue to invest heavily in making it quicker to synthesize your first dataset. For instance, we recently added support in our popular trainer notebook for conditional data generation. You can now take advantage of custom data synthesis in as little as 4 lines of code.

At Gretel, we’re focused on unlocking access to the data needed to build great products and services. This means ensuring that anyone can generate unlimited amounts of safe, high-quality synthetic data, on demand. By doing that, we enable our users to collaborate with their teams and focus on what really matters: innovating.

How Synthetic Data Supports the ML Life Cycle

Data scientists and DevOps teams often tell us about the data challenges they face throughout the machine learning life cycle. At each stage in this process, there’s a growing need for tools that can effectively anonymize sensitive data, augment limited datasets and validate the quality of data in use. That’s exactly what Gretel offers. To learn more, check out our new blog on how synthetic data can support the data-centric ML life cycle and ensure teams are developing and deploying successful models and solutions every time.

How synthetic data can be used at each stage of the ML life cycle.

Gretel Community Updates

We now have more ways to share ideas and connect with community members. There’s a new Synthetic Data Community Discord server you can join. We also kicked off our first Office Hours event this week. These recurring sessions are a chance to ask questions and troubleshoot live with us.

Lastly, don’t forget to register for our virtual conference, synthesize 2023. We have an amazing lineup of speakers and are accepting submissions for talks, too. We’ll announce more details about the program next week. Stay tuned.

As always, have fun synthesizing.

Ali Golshan
Cofounder and CEO

