Where is the left going to go from here?

They’ve already labelled everybody a fascist. What’s left?

Liberation Day
2 min readMar 3, 2017


We stand on the edge of a tragic cliff. Source

Stefan Molyneux, Hans Herman Hoppe, Gavin McGinnes, Milo Yiannopoulos (may he rest in peace), Lew Rockwell, Mike Cernovich, and Curt Doolittle.

These are figures I would place in the soft alt-right. I also guarantee you every single person on the left would have no problem labeling them as racists and fascists.

Here’s the problem. If you listen to these guys, really listen, you’ll find that they are focused on values that happen to coalesce along racial and national lines. Even Stefan, who routinely talks about IQ differences between the races, does so in order to try to figure out how best to preserve the institutions and morals that he values. Race is tangential to the discussion.

Every single one of them is up for having his views challenged… The left, though, has abandoned dialogue.

Furthermore, every single one of them is up for having his views challenged. Milo has respectfully engaged with multiple audience members, even ones who broke the rules to do so. Basically, if they’re not total jerks or violent, he’ll talk to them and engage their viewpoint. Stefan routinely points out that he cares about facts and reason, and he runs a daily show where he debates people from different viewpoints almost every day. My introduction to Gavin McGinnes was a debate he had with a feminist.

These are men who are fixated on finding ideas that work.

The left, though, has abandoned dialogue, even with men such as this. It has fallen to simply calling everybody a racist.

Where does the left go after applying one of the most dangerous labels they have to everybody who opposes them, regardless of their actual stances? Violence.

This paints them into a corner, and that is dangerous. Where does the left go after applying one of the most dangerous labels they have to everybody who opposes them, regardless of their actual stances? Honestly, there’s only one way this ends: violence. We’ve seen this bubble up several times in the past six months. “Punch a Nazi” was met with glee by many in the left. UC Berkeley’s student newspaper ran half a dozen articles in support of the violent intimidation of Milo (with none dissenting, I think), and even Ben Shapiro was met with force there.

The left needs to take a breath and make sure they are headed in the direction they want, because their current track only ends one way.



Liberation Day

“This proves that the best policy for a candidate is to hide his opinions” — To the Electors of the district of Saint-Sever