You don’t know capitalism

Grey Marketeer
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2016

Capitalism gets misrepresented a lot. Socialist critiques of it seem to always include things like the high prison populations of America or environmental pollution as capitalist features, as if the war on drugs wasn’t a blatant attempt to halt natural market activities. I see terms like greed thrown around a lot in critiques of it. Things like bailouts for banks get associated with it routinely.

Unfortunately, all of this is completely missing the point of capitalism.

Capitalism is the natural result of a moral society.

It is not okay to steal or murder. I think most of us here can agree with that.

The degree to which a society abandons those maxims is the degree to which it has things like slavery, eminent domain, bailouts for fat cats, and socialism.

The degree to which a society sticks to those guns, though, is the degree to which capitalism will arise in that society.



Grey Marketeer

“This proves that the best policy for a candidate is to hide his opinions” — To the Electors of the district of Saint-Sever